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Technology Tips

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European tourism now comes with a digital divide: those with high tech gadgets and those without. Discuss gadgets, mobile devices, apps, cameras, rotary phones, and more. Which tools are worth the trouble and actually enhance your travels?

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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
Best choice for ipad mini nano sim card in Europe & US
Seth 2
iPad Mini - uploading photos? secondary camera?
Diane 7
Magic Jack
Frank II 3
Travel with medical devices
Michael 3
Unlocking smart phones?
JJ 5
Using U.S. Cell phone in Europe
Mary 3
Using Galaxy 3 in Czech Republic and Germany
Mary 2
C-PAP water
susanjoyful 3
Sending email in Europe
Pam 8
iPhone and iPad use in multiple European countries
TigerMO 6
Anyone familiar with MIFI?
marycleopatra 3
IPhone in Israel
Carolyn 6
SIM question here versus there
big ben 2
iPhone or Android?
lmkramer85 2
WiFi GPS with an Ipod Touch
Michael... 3
Internet Security Info
Michael 0
another i-phone question
Tracy 7
US to US calling while in Paris
Frank 10
Best Device for Internet, photos, etc
blueokoboji 4
One Device, 2 Listeners
blueokoboji 3
Help in downloading to IPad
Terri 5
Skyping from Europe to the U.S.
Paul 5
Dual sim card quad phone.
fepm49 3
Quick review of GPS navigation device options for those renting cars
Andre L. 3
Tablets, Phones and Pickpockets
blueokoboji 5
Best phone options for 2 months in NIgeria and 1 in Europe
Heidi 2