Does anyone have information on having access to msn hotmail/outlook when outside the country? Whenever I try to sign in to my email account outside of my normal range (in the US) it says it doesn't recognize the location and has to send a security code to my cell phone and then I have to enter that to continue. The problem is, I won't have my cell when out of the country but need to have access to my email. I have checked MSN online for answers but can't find any.
Before you leave, access your MSN account settings and add another email account to your security info. Then when you sign into hotmail from somewhere outside the US, it will ask you to to identify your alternate email account and when you do it will send a code to that account, which you will have to go to to get the code. But you should only have to do that once before it realizes you're away and lets you sign in wherever you are. The alternate email account can be another msn/hotmail or any other such as yahoo, gmail, etc. At least that's how it worked for me while I was away last month and was using an ipod touch.
Thank you!
Can you take your phone and turn it on just to get the code then turn it back off for the rest of your trip?
Thank you for the suggestions.
I don't have a smartphone (only person left in the US without one) so I wasn't going to take my flip phone. I wonder though...will Yahoo have me verify myself too? I set my MSN account to send the code to my Yahoo account but wouldn't Yahoo want to verify its me too when trying to sign on from a diff location? How anything so simple be so complicated?
It looks like yahoo just uses a capcha code to make sure you aren't a robot, but it's a graphically-enhanced capcha, never seen one like it. It might not be visible on an e-ink kindle, but would work on a kindle fire. I was using two msn email accounts and that worked fine. I just tried gmail and they give you a choice of using your alternate email account (which puts you in the same bind) or answering a security question that you set up with the gmail account.
I do have the Kindle Fire. I will try it out around town using my Yahoo account to see if it works.
Thanks again.
I believe you can also log in to Outlook on your Kindle and there is a method for registering it as a "frequently used device." I've read about it but have not yet done it myself. This link should give you more info:
Be advised you are not the only one w/o a smartphone. I use an IPhone4 that will not sync to my pedometer. (Need an IPhone4s.)
Thank you for asking the question about Kindle Fire as I will be packing mine on my trip. There is nothing more frustrating to me than to have a piece of technology not work when I want it to!
I have a Nook, not the Kindle, but I had problems using Outlook in other countries. I now have a gmail acct. and have not been having any problems using my nook to check my e-mail. Also, works to check your e-mail. It just requires you to enter your password. I used that when Outlook wouldn't work.