Hi Guys,
I am planning on bringing my IPhone (and maybe my ipad -haven't decided yet) on my tour to South France/Loire in a few weeks.
Here's my question:
I have a code share flight to France on American Airlines and they don't have tv's in the seatbacks. I thought I would rent a few movies on ITunes right before I leave and watch them on my phone (or ipad). I don't know if I'll have wi-fi in the sky though, so: can I stream the movies and watch the first 3-4 minutes before getting on the plane and then stop/pause it. Then, when I get on the plane, just hit start again and watch the rest of the movie (without wi-fi)? Also, could I do the same thing while in France (start the movies at home and then finish them in France)? I think the rental period is 30 days for some movies.
I suspect the answer is no for both because won't I need a constant wi-if connection to stream? Or, perhaps I can do it on the plane, but not in France where wi-fi in a hotel might be very slow. I've never rented an iTunes movie before, but I have gift certificate credits, so I thought I would try it out. Thanks as always.