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Title    Author Replies Last Post
Which train station?
data_mining_rc 6
Which train to Paris from Normandy area
ojaidenny 5
Which transportation pass is best in Paris?
Gwen 7
which U.S. bank doesn't charge foreign transaction fee?
Laura 9
Which village or town in Loire?
gaylet4 12
which way is seat facing on TGV duplex (Paris-Barcelona)
elaine 12
Which wine region to visit????
djouravel 19
Which would you choose?
Here 4 The Cake 8
Which WW2 museums in Normandy?
mathemilu 17
Whirlwind France Itin
joethejet44 22
Whiskey in France
KayC 3
Whit Sunday and Monday in France. What can I expect?
Lindy 3
Who has rented a car in Caen?
fourfinleys 17
Who has walked up to the 2nd level of the Eiffel Tower?
Khill 9
Who Was the Real "Shaved Woman of Chartres"?
Estimated... 2
Why book sncf second class now?
BarbaraJ 6
Why Bordeaux is not described in RS 2019 guide?
benderenns 29
Why can't I book a train ticket from Frankfurt to Paris?
Wade 3
Why does Air France keep emailing about my passport data?
Kaye 4
Why Doesn’t Rick Mention Dijon in his Books?
CaliMom 37
Why Doesn't RS recommend hotels in 6E and 5E in his France 2017 book?
Cynthia 28
Why do my topics disappear after a few hours?
oceansideyoung 3
Why do the dates in RS books end in August for Loire Valley.
Francis 3
Why have I never heard of Laon?
avirosemail 10
Why is May "worst" to visit Provence & Riviera?
Cleophus 9
Why I won't be returning to France
RailRider 30
Why no available times between 17:30 & 20:00 for Eiffel Tower?
Cindy 12
Why, Rick, why??!!
Shelly 39
Why shouldn't I stay in the 19th arr. in Paris
Nigel 31
Alan 5
Wifi at Charles de Gaulle Airport
katie.perkins 4
WIFI in France (Paris)
michael 5
wifi of sim card
mlw5000 6
WiFi rental in France
Kathi 2
Wild fire cote d'azur
paisneha83 4
Will 2015 version of RS France Guide be published?
Frances 2
Will Bastille Day impact the weekend crowds at big sights?
jas3150 2
will be attending a wedding in Charente....what to see and where to go?
nicolesingh70 2
Will be in France by Lake Geneva Switzerland. Can u just pop into Switzerland?
luddgang 12
Will being a healthcare worker cause a red flag entering France for vacation?
sdw 0
Will demonstrations disrupt Air France flights at CDG?
geovagriffith 7
Will everything in Paris be open January 2-7?
j4travelers 4
Will France ban short haul domestic flights?
Frank II 22
Will I have trouble using my American Express?
wendy 23
Will is home from his first semester in Pari
DougMac 16
Will my gps 12V connector work in european rental car?
ncw6 3
Will my landlord charge me extra if i bought in 2 fans?
clung9 3
Will Paris airfares go down?
Bill 40
Will there be a France 2019 guidebook
Gerard 3
Will the Tour de France force a change of plans?
Harriet 3