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Travel Group Meetings

Talk travel in your town

For those of you that like to host meetings for other travelers in your local area, here's the place to announce your plans and reach new travel friends.

Before posting, please read our Community Guidelines.

  • Do not publicly post any personal contact information. Use the Private Message system.
  • Meetings announced on are open to the public and, for everyone’s safety, should be held in public places like your local café.
  • Rick Steves' Europe is not liable for any loss, injury, inconvenience, or bad pasta that you encounter as a result of these meetings.

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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
Moscow, Idaho Travel Meeting - 19.3.16
Darcy 5
New York City - March Meeting
steven 7
SF Bay Area Travel Meeting
SharYn 16
Travel Group in Boston, MA ??
Pilgrim 15
Sacramento Travel Group Meeting Feb. 20 @ 10:00 a.m.
Andrea 28
Towns around Moscow Idaho meet-up 2/20
Pam 4
SF Bay Area Travel Meeting - January 9th
Susan 21
SF Bay Area Travel Group Today Feb 13th
Susan 16
St Louis Area February Meeting
Karen 7
NYCity meeting - Next Saturday
steven 0
Birmingham, AL Travel Group Meeting Tomorrow
Kimberlee 1
Eugene or Portland meet up
Jesse 20
DC Area Gathering - Winter Meeting?
Rachel 9
Moscow Travel Meeting - 16 January, 2016
Darcy 15
Sacramento Travel Group Meeting - Saturday 1/16 @ 10:00 a.m.
Andrea 24
NYCity meeting - Saturday January 16 1 PM
steven 2
First Silicon Valley Travel Craze Meet Up (SF South Bay): Sat. 01/09/2016 @ 3pm,...
quanmama 32
San Francisco Bay Area Travel Group Meeting
Susan 31
Sacramento Travel Meeting - Saturday 12/19 @ 10 a.m.
Andrea 30
New York City - January Meeting
steven 3
Towns around Moscow Idaho meet-up
Pam 3
NO Meeting of SF Bay Area Travel Group in December
BG1 3
Group Name
Andrea 19
We invite fans of Rick Steves in the Phoenix Area to join us this Thursday, Dec. 3 at...
Grace 0
RS Reunion - East Coast
Dave L 1
Sacramento Travel Meeting - Sat. 11/21 @ 10:00am
Andrea 27
Moscow Travel Meeting - 14 November 2015
Darcy 16
Kansas City Area November 21st Travel Meeting
Robert 0
Ft. Lauderdale Travel Group?
Nancy 0
Travel group meeting Birmingham, AL
Kimberlee 1
Sacramento Travel Meeting - Saturday 9/19 @ 10:00 a.m.
Andrea 23
Sacramento Travel Meeting - Saturday 10/17 @ 10 a.m.
Andrea 14
Moscow Travel Meeting 17 October, 2015
Darcy 19
San Francisco Bay Area Travel Group Meeting - October 10
Susan 11
Seattle/Puget Sound travel group?
Meg 10
Anyone interested in a Tulsa Area Travel Group?
Jane 4
Moscow Travel Meeting - 19 September, 2015
Darcy 15
Starting a Travel Group...
Jane 27
San Francisco Bay Area Travel Group - September 12
Laura B 7
St. Louis Area September Travel Group Meeeting 9/12
Karen 4
Rick Steves Fans get together in Tempe, AZ this Thursday
Grace 1
London RS Meeting - Sunday, Sept 13th - Anyone interested?
Laura 5
KC Area travel meeting group Saturday 9/19 10 AM
Robert 0
Sacramento Travel Meeting - Saturday 8/15 @ 10:00 a.m.
Andrea 18
Moscow Travel Meeting - 15 August 2015
Darcy 11
NYC meeting , next saturday , 8/8/15
steven 12
SF Bay Area Travel Meeting
Susan 22
St Louis Area Meeting August 8
Karen 6
KC Area Rick Steves travel group August 15th 10 AM
Robert 0
Rick Steves Fans get together in Tempe, AZ this Thursday
Grace 0