Barry and Diana, you have to come back so I can hear about the rest of your trip...and see all more of your fabulous 3,000 photos ;-) Your stories were great! you just have to return next month...
Darcy, it was so fun to have you visit us (plus I got an extra 2 hours with you in my car!)!!! We're already making plans for a road trip to Idaho...if you'll have us ;-) I didn't know about your "special notebook" (mentioned on the Idaho meet-up thread) until telling what's written in there LOL!
Larry, I'm so glad that Mary and your friend, Jamie, came this month. I never get enough time to talk to everyone :-( so I hope that they will visit us again soon! They're both such nice and interesting people - as you are, too - so bring them back soon.
Rob and Rob and Deb - it's always good to see you; sometimes, I even get to talk with you a little bit! I still think we need to implement a 'speed dating-style' strategy - instead of one long table, have several 2-4 person tables and a 20-minute timer - so we can all get to talk with everyone for at least 20 minutes ;-) (Rule #1 - never talk about your ex...)
It's always so good to see a Bay Area Contingent at out meetings! Susan, SharYn, and Betty - we'll always have an extra chair for you. Well, not the one chair for all of you...but you know what I mean.
See everyone on July 16th!