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Student Travel & Study Abroad

Youth and student travel tips

What's worthwhile and what's a waste of money? Share info on backpacking, study abroad programs, nightlife, hostel hopping, and anything else you need to know when you're under 25 and traveling through Europe.

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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
Studying in Sweden, Traveling to Europe
monson_k_20 5
Study Abroad Student Visa Issue
Steven 1
Cell phones, recommendations
bczappa 6
Youth Hostels
mikespencer 2
Is it worth the cost to purchase a International Student Identification Card?
sheatwo 6
American(non student) trying to attain UK visa
jaclyncafarelli 2
Looking for programs for young students in Europe
rmack 2
UK Customs/Immigration/Visa questions
kgrubaugh 21
Need No-Claim Travel Medical Insurance for my Son
Ken 3
Free College Tuition To US Students To Study In German Universities
Kimberly 5
Traveling Europe Before Study Abroad - What to do with excess luggage
listieuan 3
ISIC/IYTC Explorer Card (w/ travel insurance)
sefinkel 0
Rick Steves-style teen student group tours
Brian L. 4
Length of time travelling
laurieguthrie 4
Apple Language Courses
imperatricedeux 0
EF College Break
mckenzie1889 2
Travel Help
dnz 4
Backpacking in Malaysia
kcbeenee 0
travel agent chaperoning minors
teenboymom 8
study abroad..
bnnd002 4
Another question regarding excess baggage storage prior to studying abroad...
susanebeling1 3
A Visa Question with a Twist and Re-Setting the Famous Schengen Clock
kamoore2 9
Hostel Membership
kayla.ray 3
Traveling to Zurich on a Student Budget
jmcrooks 3
Financial Aid Student Trips
hamzahamid226 2
Best way to send money with student traveler
condrons1997 17
Valuables + airb&b
quincyhall 11
Studying Abroad: I did it: 4 Semesters at Uni Heidelberg Wild 70's. Pros / Cons
Shelley 16
Whoops, forgot the CONS: (Regrets, I had a few...)
Shelley 11
Summer 2017
emily.murphy314 2
Spanish course summer camp Enforex
Alex 2
Study Abroad-Shipping/Storing Luggage
knightm 5
So Andy Steves just cancelled my daughter's tour - set to leave July 6th - Need ideas
Valerie 30
Solo travel in Europe as a 18 year old female
ellen182 19
Best way to find things to do in a new city/country?
jamest 24
Student Internship - Seeking 6 Month Rental in Amsterdam
pchenson 3
Summer job in Madrid or Barcelona
daniela 4
A little advice
cffv 12
Student Visa and Schengen travel over 90 days
Joann 4
Shipping home Souvenirs?
M 7
Shipping Luggage
anagracesalem 7
Side trip from London: Paris or Berlin?
eincks 10
Attire for semester in Granada Spain
caroline 7
London's Birkbeck University
Aly 0
Student study abroad - Montepulciano
ddamico703 4
IL Ambassadors of Music Europe Tour 2020 Peoria Students Attempting to Fundraise
katiejoneslcsw 0
Student ID
dremr58 6
Studying Abroad in Ulm, Germany- How to tackle weekend trips?
littlegiant98 19
Hostel good for a solo traveller in Amsterdam
Traveller 8
Updates on the Study Abroad Experience during Covid-19
Tigerfan 2