I'd like to know if you've heard of Enforex Spanish language/summer camps, they're offered throughout Spain and we'd like to send our 2 young adults (ages 15 and 13) to one of these camps, specifically in Malaga in early July 2017. It's a 2 week program, they have the option to stay overnight during that time, but we're inclined to do the day camp option instead for them (9:00 - 8:00 pm daily).... We will be staying in the area, so they can leave and stay the night with their parents.
Does anyone recommend this program? I find great literature online, but very little in terms of reviews... I'd like to know about the quality of the program, safety and if it's a worthwhile program...
Any other summer programs for young adults that you've heard/read or know first-hand that's really worthwhile to pursue in Malaga? (or even other cities)
Thank you in advance!