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General Europe

Questions and answers regarding travel across multiple countries

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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
A question about solo traveler safety
Steve 11
luggage and clothing for superlight travel for disabled person
mary 6
3 oz. bottles and their contents
Margaret 10
Combo or padlock for the hostel lockers?
Jeffrey 2
Carry-on Luggage on Alitalita -- can it be done?!
Samantha 9
Versatile & Tough WOMEN Walking Shoes NEEDED
Jennifer 8
Dressing for Dinner
Miranda 7
Paris Museum Pass
Norm 1
Credit Cards & Cash at Hand -- How much is enough?
Sarah 7
Transporting and using a CPAP in Europe?
Jim 4
charging cell phones in Europe
Linda 5
Petite size 18 zip-off pants
Connie 8
Do you use a sleep sack?
Liz 4
Luggage - Rick's or not Rick's?
Natasha 15
Those of you who know Paris well - please help!
Natasha 13
Traveling between Thanksgiving and the new year
Joann 2
Downloading and Using Rick's audio tours non-IPOD MP3 player
Ann 1
B&B in Rome near Train Station
twtravelers 4
Tipping in a Private Guide in Paris
Mike 3
Expats' Europe
Thomas 8
Reservations in Advance
Tyler 7
Handbag or backpack?
Natasha 20
Best shoes for men
Robin 2
International Phone Card
Mike 3
Best time to exchange currency
Paul 3
Capital One card
Robin 6
ExOfficio Underwear on sale
Portfan 0
What does CAP mean?
Kathy 6
House Sitting
Jim 5
Zune MP3 - Can you charge it in Europe & UK
Sierra 2
Registering your electronic equipment when going to UK
Sierra 2
What to take on a trip - guidebooks/maps
Debra 18
Need recommendation for men's pants
Robin 3
Changing Cash into Euros
Kathryn 28
Shengen visas and extended travel
Dan 2
Which bank/ATM card works best in Europe?
Suzann 12
Classic view--Graffiti Wall
Karen 0
good day bags for camera
bluedenim 10
ISIC/ITIC--any feedback?
Kellye 5
Contacts in Europe
Kathryn 8
Electronic Translators
Cynthia 5
best walking sandals found!
Nancy 0
Travel Bag/Backpack for family
Ron 18
great walking sandals
Nancy 0
Charge in US Dollars or Euro?
Ellen 7
Passport Question
Debra 11
Just A Fun Topic Here....
Steve 43
Penpals wanted
british girl 2
Keeping ipods charged
Tamara 6
Global Refund Box Vespucci Airport Florence
Rebecca 1