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Croatia itinerary help

Hello, we will be arriving in Dubrovnik by plane on August 1. So far we do not have accomodations. Should we wait until we get there? Then we need help with an itinerary. I am a mom traveling with my 17 and 18 year old daughters. We will need to be in Venice, Italy on August 13th. We will be traveling up to Istria. Car rental or no car rental? I would also like to take a side trip to Montenegro from Dubrovnik and possibly Mostar. We want to go to Vis, Hvar, Korkula and up through Istria to either catch a ferry to Venice or go by bus and train to Venice if the ferry does not leave on the day we want. Any ideas for itinerary, how long to stay in each place to get to Venice on August 13? Thank you for your help. Anything we are missing?

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1167 posts

Have you checked Rick's "Croatia and Slovenia" guidebook? I am sure it will have answers to most of your questions.

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We were in Dubrovnik last summer and it was wonderful. We stayed with Jadranka and Milan Benussi, we found them in Rick’s book. Their place is just outside the Pile Gate. The room was clean and spacious and had an AC unit which I’m sure you will need in August. The family was very friendly. You can contact them at

We felt like two days was enough to see the sights and get some beach time. Other than walking the city walls, the sights are not spectacular. It’s the attitude and ambiance of the city that make it so great. Other than the walls, the only other must see for us would be Buza. Just go though the hole in the wall marked cold drinks for the most stunning view of the sea you’ll ever see.

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If you want to see Montenegro and Mostar, you’ll need two days in addition to the two days in Dubrovnik. Mostar was neat and definitely worth a day. Since we did not rent a car, we took the Atlas big bus tour, not the ideal way to go but much easier and quicker than public transit. For Montenegro, we hired, and this was a first for us because we’re very budget conscious, a private guide recommended by Jadranka Benussi. Petar Vlasic is the twenty-something owner of his own tour company, Meritum Travel Agency. He picked us up at our room and we spent the day with him in Montenegro. We went to Kotor, Budva and St. Stephens. He also took us to the top of the hill overlooking Dubrovnik for an incredible birds-eye view of the city and the sea. Petar was polite, knowledgeable and a great tour guide. He told us all about Croatian culture and about his personal experiences during the siege of Dubrovnik. He can be contacted at [email protected]. I think he also does tours to Mostar.