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Medications while traveling

I have a prescription that I need to take at the same time everyday. What should I do about the time difference in Europe? I usually take it at 7pm, which could be 1 or 2 in the morning in Europe. I'm leaving in three weeks, should I just gradually start taking it earlier until it's 7pm local time?

Posted by
658 posts

Firstly consult your doctor and get a medical opinion. You don't want an expensive trip to Europe ruined because of medication problems. Your doctor may be able to adjust your medication regime to be more Europe friendly. Then ask him/her for a list of generic medical names for your medication in case your medicine gets lost or other problems occur which require replacement. Find out if you would need to go to a hospital or just a chemists drug store to replace any medication and make a list of the local term for chemists in all the countries you are going to visit. Most EU chemists have a green cross outside the shop.

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2770 posts

I had the same issue with a prescription, and just gradually started taking the meds earlier several weeks before leaving. By the time I left, I was on Europe time. But with all things medical, consult your doctor to be sure this is ok.

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2787 posts

Ask your doctor, not a bunch of travel junkies.

Posted by
808 posts

This probably won't help you any but in the case of oral contraceptive pills, they can be replaced with a shot every 3 months so you won't have to worry about forgetting or having to adjust your time. As a Flight Attendant this spells FREEDOM!

Posted by
3551 posts

check with your doctor or pharmacist for the best info and advice.

Posted by
808 posts


If you're not able to access your Doc before you go, you may be able to have your question answered by your Pharmacist. They will have access to your personal medication file and are very knowledgable in the drug department. And probably easier to access than setting up an appointment with your Doc just to answer this question!

Posted by
103 posts

I totally agree with our wonderful flight attendant ( who incidentally has been FAB u lous with her/his input)
I work for a doc and have found pharmacists to be extremely well versed on drugs, dosage and compatiblity with other meds..many times, because they have studied intensively and dispense meds all day, they actually know as much if not more than the docs themselves.. ( sorry boss!)

Posted by
808 posts

Thanks for that, Kate. After the flaming I took the other day, I was going to grow strangely quiet! But I love all things Travel and Aviation so no chance!

BTW, Yes, I am a Female Incharge Flight Attendant. And thanks for recognizing that we could be Male or Female these days.

It is now possible for a FLIGHT ATTENDANT to get a PILOT pregnant! HeeHee!