I will be traveling by train from Brussels to Bern, Switzerland. I would rather not travel that long in one stretch (about 8 hours). I was thinking about stopping for the night along the way, possibly Luxembourg. There is nothing in Rick's guidebooks on this small country. Does anyone have any suggestions? Also, do I need a France railpass if I plan to travel through it but not stop? I was hoping to buy only a Benelux pass and a Swiss pass. Thanks, Beth
You could see the grave of General George Patton, who is buried in the US Military Cemetary just outside of Luxembourg City. It is much smaller then Normandy, but is the resting site of many brave men who fought in WW2.
Check out www.visitluxembourg.com/Sites-Attractions.htm for sights to see. We really liked Vianden Castle, http://www.castle-vianden.lu, but I'm not sure how accessible it is by train. I could be missing something, but why would a French pass be good in Luxembourg? I would think that a Benelux (BElgium, NEtherlands, LUXembourg) would be good in Luxembourg.
I am trying to decide what the best railpass is to travel Amsterdam/Brussels/Luxembourg/Switzerland. I will have to travel through France to get to Switzerland.