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Czech Republic

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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
Best area/district to stay for good nightlife (nightclubs, pubs)
KD 8
Munich to Prague
Kathy 3
Westbus combo train/bus transportation Prague to Salzburg
patbuckmaster 2
Trip Plan
gail.bob 10
Driving from Munich to Prague with stops in Salzburg and Vienna and back to Munich
ffrancoferrara 3
Itinerary Help for 4 nights in Prague
Patti 14
Sleeper Train: Prague to Krakow
mrzelda 3
Central Europe - 14 days
theresef 6
Student Agency Bus & Bean Shuttle questions
krissyar 4
Last day in Prague, considering day trip, please help!
Donald 11
Dinner Before Estates Theater/Don Giovanni?
Jennifer 8
bean shuttle
karenlynneutter 2
Prague to Salzburg shuttle with stop in Cesky Krumlov
limcnal 2
Prague to Munich
ryanmckeever 9
Changes to metro system in Prague
UncleGus 8
Bluegrass in Prague
Ripple 1
best time to visit Prague?
sanderskn 16
Bike tour recommendation?
Lindsay 2
Train from Venice, Italy to Prague
lafamigliaparise 2
Prague, Vienna and Salzburg in 9 days?
karenlynneutter 2
Best train from Vienna to Prague
apricerom 2
Average meal prices in Prague?
Alyssa 21
From vienna to infant jesus of prague church
Cay 3
Limited Time and seeking the Alps
richard 1
Thanks to the Forum
retiredgene 1
Last Posts NOT Showing
retiredgene 3
Trouble Rolling Luggage Through Streets to Hotel?
donnallee 16
euro's or Koruna
gapkaren67 12
GoEuro for train tickets
korman3 5
Day Trip to Kutna Hora
christa 7
Are Euros accepted in Prague and Budapest?
ajgranito 15
Praha to Krakow
Jim 5
7 Nights in Prague - Suggestions for Activities?
Monique 10
Where the locals eat
s_ail 6
Traveling from Prague to the Budweiser Brewery in České Budějovice
Robert 7
Need help to choose entertainment in Prague
Marina 1
Walking Tours in Prague: Suggestions?
sandra.b.inacio 7
Prague Sidetrip -- what has your vote?
kerry_esq 8
Is it risky to take a train with 15 min. transfer time at Ostrava hl.n.?
Ann 4
What is the best drive/train ride from Budapest to Prague
john 6
Cesky Krumlov Castle Tours question
shalevca 5
Getting from Prague to Krakow by Train
soozierules 8
Prague is becoming cheaper
Ilja 8
Bus from Munich to Prague
sandra.b.inacio 4
Prague for 4 days in June
Vicky 2
Food & drink festivals in Prague over the next few months
UncleGus 0
Easiest way from the Prague airport to Prague. Shuttle! Bus? Train?
andybparsons 7
Public Transportation Cesky Krumlov-Trebon-Tlec-Brno
diananave 1
Lunch vs Tip or Both For private Guide in CR
aabourne2 2
Trying to tie 4/1 days in Prague with outside trips..
Jason-Erik 14