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Rick Steves Tours

A community for Rick Steves tour alums, first-timers and future tour members.

Our tours attract fun, flexible folks who often remain friends many years after their "farewell" dinner together. We've created the Rick Steves Tours forum as a place for tour alums to stay in-touch with their tour buddies and share their candid tour experiences. It's also a place for first-time and future tour members to ask questions and get the inside scoop from our tour pros about what it's like to travel with Rick Steves' Europe.

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Title   Author  Replies Last Post
Best of Eastern Europe
Carol 15
Best of Eastern Europe Tour
Carol 13
Best of Eastern Europe Tour-First and Last Locations
Carol 13
Proof of COVID vaccinations
Carol 4
Heart of Belgium and Holland in 11 Days Tour
Carol 4
Ghent Altarpiece on the RS Holland/Belgium Tour
Carol 5
South Italy Tour - Pathway of the Gods Hike
carolb 3
Best of Rome in 7 days May trip-Any advice or feedback?
Carol B. 18
7 Day Paris Tour June 9-15. Fitting in Catacombs and Arc de Triomphe
Carol B. 15
First trip to Europe in 2015
Carole 34
Vatican Museum May 1st
Carole 6
1st Timer and definitely do not want to be a grump
Carole 93
Travelers going on the Loire to the South of France in 13 Days Tour May 8-May 20.
Carole 12
GAS September 24, 2016
Carole 5
Restaurant Name Help
caroline 2
Fall Travel Festival
Carol now... 13
Master Schedule listing all tours?
Carol now... 12
Would you like an "adventurous" tour option?
Carol now... 3
Give generously, give wisely.
Carol now... 11
The Experiment, Part 1 (first trip report at end of thread)
Carol now... 33
New Tour Catalog arrived today
Carol now... 29
Seattle Times weighs in on the carbon initiative.....
Carol now... 6
Thank you Webmaster
Carol now... 3
Best of Switzerland Tour Documents posted- and a surprise
Carol now... 3
2020 Tour Patch
Carol now... 9
2020 tour book arrived......
Carol now... 21
Where are all the scrapbooks?
Carol now... 37
An amazing number of Tours currently on sale
Carol now... 11
The Waiting Game.....
Carol now... 31
All Rick Steves Tours cancelled through August 15
Carol now... 30
Short Interview in paper with Rick Steves 1/29 (Seattle Times)
Carol now... 7
Sarah Murdoch (guide) featured in News Article
Carol now... 7
New RS Tours Email about completing Health and Safety Pledge
Carol now... 18
Mary's Post with email from Rick Steves Tours (See also post from RS tours at the end)
Carol now... 16
Change in PreTour testing Requirements beginning in May 2022
Carol now... 18
Missing the weekly update for April 1st
Carol now... 20
"Filling Fast", new feature?
Carol now... 8
Getting Ready to Tour.......
Carol now... 19
Trip Report Heart of Italy
Carol now... 27
A big step forward
Carol now... 6
Current FAQs (and answers) about Covid and other items on the Tours page
Carol now... 24
Recalculating travel Insurance……
Carol now... 1
Has the pent up demand been spent?
Carol now... 24
RS tours; On Call Assistance Services
Carol now... 8
Hotel List, Best of South England 4/17- updated with some reviews
Carol now... 45
Preparing for a Rick Steves Tour
Carol now... 40
Looking forward to the results of the Scrapbook Contest!
Carol now... 20
GAS tour early Sept
Carol P 4
Amalfi coast Minori
Carol P 11
WiFi on bus?
Carolyn 16