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Getting Ready to Tour.......

I registered for my two back to back tours a long time ago. The first, The Best of the Adriatic, I originally had scheduled for August 2020. We all know how that went... The second, Heart of Italy, I registered for in June 2021 when I re-registered for the Best of Adriatic to take advantage of already being in Europe. It is 4 weeks now (finally) until I leave. My list of tour hotels and tour mates has shown up for the first tour and suddenly what has seemed like it would never arrive is on the horizon!

Time to review my plans and think through free time options! I have taken two previous tours and I learned to have an idea of possible activities in mind for the free time that is available. I've also had to really start thinking about how to pare down my luggage. I don't think that I brought a lot before, but I never worried about not being able to check bags previously either. This year, no checking. Better to start off with the minimum than lose the bags and really be at a minimum. The other new variable is the need to be prepared with masks/tests etc and to keep a flexible mindset in case there is a positive test.

I've been using Trip-It to keep track of plans and I find this app is very useful. I keep copies of confirmations, tickets, etc. I'm doing 5 days pre-tour in Venice and Ljubljana so have more details to keep track of. I can also share it with family. They like to keep track of where Mom is.

What things do you do or what helps you to prepare for going on a tour?

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315 posts

I know some will be appalled at this, but I rip out the relevant sections of my tour books and staple them together by city or local so that I'm only taking what I'll need (and can just carry that day's pages in my backpack). It saves on space and weight. Also, and I'm sure you already do this, take a picture of your passport and front/back of your credit and debit cards so you have them if needed. Enjoy the Adriatic tour - I went in April and loved it, including my extra days pre-tour in Ljubljana.

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15114 posts

I'm so happy for you! What a fun time you will have as I suspect these tours will be very different.

I loved Heart of Italy - it was my first RS tour so have a fondness for it and loved staying in Volterra.

I'm prepping for Best of Italy the end of September. I'll fly Delta to Paris then Air France to Milan. I'm concerned about the AF carryon size and weight limit. I will not check outbound.

What I've done is:

  • Obsess over how much my suitcase weighs as well as weights of replacement suitcases including spreadsheeting weights and dimensions. Status: Currently stalled as the one I think I might want is out of stock everywhere and the Osprey folks are posting on their FB site there are supply chain issues and they have no idea when they will get stock in. I think they are probably floating around in a container ship in the Pacific.

  • Weighed ALL my various packing cubes, pouches, etc. I've ditched the toiletry kit and gone with the lightest pouches/bags/ziplocks. Status: I've got the weight down to 15# but that does not include masks and test kits. Total weight of suitcase and personal item, 19#.

  • The masks I use have an overwrap so I'll take that plastic off when I'm ready to pack. Last trip in the spring I took about 35 masks, one for each day and then some. One of the folks on the tour portion I did was a virologist who said she labeled 7 masks with the days of the week and was re-using them (trip was 14 days) plus some extra. I am thinking about that and I did trust her judgement. Have 2 of the free test kits for 4 tests. I think I'll get some at the pharmacy so I start with 8 kits.

  • Also obsessing over my personal item which is a Baggallini and weighs 19oz. Currently eyeing your recommendation of the Longchamp tote which is about 10 oz, hahahah!!! The thunderstorm color in the Green line is just gorgeous.

  • I've got my pre-tour days in Milan organized, more or less although I did have an idea while I was hiking this AM so might need to post a question, lol. I've got one thing pre-booked in Rome for my extra day there and waiting for the other venue to open up ticketing for October. Yesterday I spent looking at what to book in Venice. Got overwhelmed and stopped so will come back to that. I find I can't do more than 1 city at a time and then have to limit myself on time as I am flipping back and forth between the RS guidebook/the forum/the museum sites online.

  • Check at least weekly on my airline reservation. The inbound flights have already been changed big time (lost the direct flight from Atlanta to Spokane, darn it!) so need to keep an eye on it. I'm actually hoping something gets screwed up on the outbound because I'm regretting not spending time in Paris ahead of time and taking the train, hahaha!

    • WHEW!!
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55 posts

Pam, does that weight of 15 pounds include the suitcase or not?


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15114 posts

😂😂😂. Yes! It’s an old RS roller that weighs 6#.

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55 posts

Wow! Impressive that you got the weight that low!


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273 posts

Carol, I’m in a similar boat—waiting for my tour list for our Ireland trip starting September 4, then Portugal (rescheduled from April 2020).
Interesting, my RS roller bag weighs 7 pounds. On prior trips I’ve had weights of 23-27 pounds with no problems. We fly SF to Dallas to Dublin so carryon weight is not an issue. (We’ve always checked our bags but I’m getting nervous.
Ljubljana is beautiful and relaxing. We took a day trip to see the caves (the organized tour was not available). It was interesting. We loved the whole Adriatic tour.

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1633 posts

Planning for travel is my number one hobby. It is also my favorite part with the memories after the trip being second and the trip itself taking 3rd place.

I also am leaving for a tour in 4 weeks. I am taking the Paris city tour with 2 full days before the tour and one week after the tour on my own.

All of my flights are on Delta this time so I don't have to worry about any weight restrictions. But I don't want to have to carry more than I can handle so my backpack will weigh under 19 pounds and my personal item is just a messenger bag. I start looking at flights as soon as they are available. I pull the trigger when I see a price I am happy with.

I like to start planning 10-12 months before a trip. I start by getting familiar with each city or location. I read the RS guide, I read about the location on the internet and I watch you tube videos. Things start to come together organically. By 6 months I have a general idea about what I want to do in each location so I know how many hotel nights to book. I want to book hotels by 5 months out. For a tour of course, the itinerary is set but I am learning about the locations just like above and am deciding about pre and post tour stays.

As the trip gets closer I assign one week of planning for each individual day. I never stick with this, but it prevents me from over planning too early. So, I should have only 4 days of my trip left to plan out, but I actually have 7 days left to plan. I make a general outline of what I want to do each day. Each day has one thing that is a must do, a secondary activity and multiple tertiary activities. I don't usually end up doing all of these things, but I never have to worry about not knowing what to do once I am on the road. I like to be over prepared so I have metro paths figured out and written down or other transportation figured out and written in my journal. This decreases my anxiety once I am on the trip, especially when I am on my own. I also have venue opening and closing times written down for easy reference. I will start pre-booking events that I know require this. So far, I haven't missed out on anything because tickets were sold out. Although, I did not get my first time choice for my Eiffel tower summit tickets. I also do a little bit of restaurant (cafe) research in the areas I will be visiting so that I don't often end up in a tourist trap. I use Google maps to mark places and use my map a lot on the trip.

Early on in the planning process I start looking at the language. I learn general niceties for every country. Then I concentrate on learning some vocabulary, not so much for speaking but for reading. I feel more comfortable in a country when I can do a decent job of reading signs and menus.

I also make a list of food that I want to try. I may also pick a treasure hunt theme. For example, in Paris, I have the invader app installed on my phone and I am going to see how many Wallace fountains I can find and photograph. There are several Hemingway locations I want to visit. I want to see the in situ sculpture of Dora Maar by Picasso. I want to see some in situ works of Landowski. When I visit a museum, I have a list of a few pieces that I specifically want to see. I have read about the pieces and have some understanding about the historical context of the piece (otherwise I don't have much interest in art). In addition to a list of major sites I want to see, I have a list of quirky things that have caught my eye during my research.

I know for a lot of people that this much planning would take the fun out of everything. But planning is my fun. I never feel pressure to stick to the plan. The plan is there if I need it, but I don't HAVE to follow it.

Just typing this response has created a nice amount of dopamine in my brain!! Happy Travels!

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15114 posts

@Vandabrud....There is a Paris Walks program on Hemingway locations that is good. It looks like it's being given on Fridays if you don't have them booked up.

Leave some room in your last week to explore interesting things your guide mentions during your Best of Paris tour.

Also...don't know if you have specific pieces picked out in the Louvre but my current favorite is the crystal vase given by Alienor d'Aquitaine to her first husband who became Louis VII. They married in 1137. Unfortunately the object is not really even identified in the case so you have to know, ya know?

Landowski did the wonderful statue of Sainte-Genevieve on the Pont du Tournelle. There are a couple of mentions in at least 2 Corey Frye walking tour videos that I will search out later (one near the Trocadero area, I think). Heading out for a hike and everyone has on their shoes but me, lol!!

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149 posts

Carol now Retired and others - this is a fun discussion thread! And I am with you. Last year trip to Scotland/Ireland/England all fell apart. Rebooked one year ago and will leave flying PHX to Edinburgh August 15. RS Tour - Heart of Scotland - begins August 21st in Inverness. I am very much in Vandrabrud's camp - I LOVE the planning. So in some ways this has been planned for two years. Air booked in February and leg from Heathrow to Edinburgh got changed to a later flight. BUT I have been watching this BA leg - and it is still scheduled so I'm starting to feel better.

Just today booked Kilmainham Gaol (tickets for the day we wanted in Dublin just became available today and many time slots already gone) AND the train (ScotRail) from Glasgow to Inverness, to meet up with the RS tour. Until recently, they had cautioned to check back on the schedule as there had been so many disruptions and after the strikes, they are still short of staff. BUT website didn't show this caution, so have those tickets at this point.

We will ALSO do our best to carry on this trip - outgoing. I have just ordered a RS spinner carry-on and really scrutinized a recent carry-on packing for another trip (sort of as a dry run). NO - no spreadsheets and not weighing everything (YET) but I'm more comfortable with carry on as I know my husband can help hoist! I believe American Air has no weight restrictions for carry-on but will double check.
In Dublin, we will take two private tours - general tour AND pub tour - with one of the RS guides. Yes, she was on the 2021 itinerary. We also will do a two-night Isle of Skye Tour on a Wee Red Bus with the Heart of Scotland Tour. We found them as an alternative when we couldn't do the RS tour last year. We decided this year we will do BOTH! In Dingle, Ireland, we have booked and rebooked a Falconry Experience (love Harris Hawks!) and dinner at Rules in London is always a must! Will rent a car leaving Dublin for 5 days there, and a car for one day in Belfast to get to the carrick-a-rede rope bridge at the Giant's Causeway.
And have I mentioned that I enjoy driving around a travel destination near the booked hotel on street view! Driven around the RS hotel in Edinburgh a few times! Just booked Fringe tickets and have had Tattoo tickets (again) probably the day they went live with those for 2022! You can even order your ale in advance - which, of course, we have done.
Yes - sharing all these stories with you all, hearing yours, just gets me so excited. Happy and Safe Traveling!

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3181 posts

What a great and timely discussion! I leave in 25 days for 5 days in London and 4 in Paris before the South of France tour, followed by 5 days in Venice. It seems like I have been planning this trip forever, since I returned from Italy in 2019 and all through Covid. London is all booked, Paris is mostly booked, overnight in Milan is booked, Venice is mostly booked. Tour free time itinerary has suggestions listed on it with restaurant notes; I'll book a couple things before I leave that I definitely want to see/do. My tour guide book is ripped up and bound into tour stops; I didn't twinge shredding a book. I even made a souvenir buy list (don't want to duplicate Christmas ornaments, lol).

I did a test pack last week, changed several things and ready to try again. Things are laid out of the guest bed. Packing is my biggest angst. As I get older, I "need" more things and have must-have brands. I've packed way too bulky and heavy. I don't want to get stuck gate checking, especially landing in Heathrow. It's less about the weight than the bulk. My RS rolling carryon is just under 20 lbs, but I struggle to get it below 10" deep. My lightweight Rume cFold tote is 10-ish lbs; without structure it free forms so should squish under the seat.

Pam, I'm going to give your "less masks is OK" idea a go. Masks are taking way too much room since I packed enough for each day and then some. If I double use them, I can cut the mask quantity down in half. This will definitely help with bulk.

I'm still paper oriented so have back-up copies of all tickets for air, trains, sightseeing. I have to sort that down to the bare minimum. I checked my debit cards and credit card to be sure they all work since several are new. By next week everything will be checked off my To Do list. I'm checking my flights twice a day. Overkill I know but United has changed them five times so far, some minor, some major.

Hope everyone has great trips! It's so exciting to be traveling again. I started late in life and am playing catch-up.

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149 posts

Kathy - and check if your credit cards are tap. I understand some locations want these. Your trip sounds absolutely fantastic!

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3181 posts

Thanks for the tap reminder Marna. Yes, I checked all three credit cards. That should be a reminder to everyone to take cards from more than one bank. I use two travel cards from BAC (better rewards on one) and, as a back-up, a Fidelity credit card. A problem may not be from the card but the bank.

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39 posts

I love this thread, since I'm now getting ready for a trip to Spain and Portugal. I'll be gone 33 days and am trying to do carry on only. That's a huge challenge, since I'm going KLM with a 26 pound limit for the carry on and personal item combined. I have to take a 2 pound computer, which is not helping.
I'm really not capable of carrying my luggage, so I need a roller bag of some sort. I prefer the soft-side spinners, but have now been looking at hard side cases. I've discovered that for the same sized bag, I can get more into the hard side cases. I've found a Samsonite at Kohl's that packs more than others of that size, and it's only 5.7 pounds. It handles really well, and I'm confident that it should work well.
Now, the real challenge is getting the weight down. I have about 8 pound of clothing - without shoes. Does that sound like too much? I think it's my non-clothing items that are my problem.

I'll pack the minimum of masks and covid tests and figure on buying more there. I assume that they are readily available. Has anyone bought them there? Are they expensive?

I have a travel vest that might help. I'll try to put some of my heavier items in the pockets. If you all have any ideas, please let me know.

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2075 posts

Carol, I am so excited because I got my attendee and hotel list this week for Best of England starting 13 September. I fly out 6 days earlier so it is becoming very real, but after no trips over the pond since 2019 I am almost afraid to prepare. However, I began updating my spreadsheet in late spring and my daily calendar is almost complete. I usually plan only 2 things a day, but have a list of optionals in my spreadsheet. I have only 1 reservation left to make. I am concentrating on what to pack right now. I am torn between carry on only and check a bag because of my age. I want to do all carry on, but hate to ask someone to help me boost the bag in for me. I can usually get it up to the overhead, but have trouble with that last 'push.' If I do check 1 bag my carry on (R Steves' Euro bag) will certainly be stuffed with all the must haves like Covid supplies, meds and a couple days outfits. I will wear my rain jacket on board and have already decided what I can stuff in all the great zip pockets. I love the idea about marking my mask packages for a week supply & reusing. I will wear KF94 on plane, in airport and on tour, but rest of the time I will wear my go-to choice which is a fabric mask that fits closely and has a pocket for filter. Only having to pack filters for that mask will cut down on packing. It is what I wear every day when I go to a store now. I just got my 4th booster so it would be fresh and I will continue social distancing in spite of the new CDC guidelines. Frequent hand washing is already an embedded ritual. Food is not a primary concern on my trips, but hotel choice and public transportation are so they are locked down. I will be gone for 5 weeks in England and then in Canada. It will be so wonderful to be traveling again. Now to get the cortisone shot for my wonky knee, check I have enough daily medications for while I'm gone, test packing and notifying bank and credit cards are the main tasks left to do. Have a wonderful trip filled with new adventures and stress free airports.

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15114 posts

"I am torn between carry on only and check a bag because of my age."

@LaurieBeth - Do you have a direct flight from Minneapolis to LHR? I would probably take a chance on my bag getting there. I'm carrying on because I've got transits thru both Seattle (really would not worry there as I think they are used to lots of commuter planes coming in with transfers to long haul) and Paris (I AM concerned about this one).

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2075 posts

Pam, unfortunately I have to fly from MN to Chicago to catch Aer Lingus and all their flights go through Dublin. So, 2 connections before I get to England. Thus the quandary.

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16 posts

I've found my people!! ;-) I LOVE to plan - and I usually over-plan for that reason. Then once I get to my destination, I tend to relax and let things unfold as they will, knowing that that is fun also. And, because of my planning, if I don't get to everything on my list, it's okay...I almost feel like I have been there already!

Thanks to everyone for sharing all of the little details on this forum that can make a trip (and trip planning) the best it can be!
This has been my new "addiction"...I may have even heard about it on this site, but am sharing just in case...
if you are a podcast listener, may I suggest searching for the "Join Us in France" travel podcast. This is a couple of locals having GREAT detailed conversations on not only Paris but many places in France, as well as practical advice for travelers. They have over 400 episodes to "binge" and it is a great "fire up" for an upcoming trip, or to reminisce.