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Post questions and answers about travel in Germany

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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
Train connections in Germany
jlatels 5
Munich in a day- best places to see
skywalker_nat... 11
Bach Museum Help Needed
Amy 5
Night train prices
Jim 10
8 days in Germany and I wonder if our itinerary is screwy.
Jason-Erik 12
Getting to Berlin from Paris by train
rateshi 11
2 nights in Fussen/Schwangau
gabysab 6
Mosel on the weekend in May
buchanxue 7
Flea market in Berlin
Georgiatraveler 6
Berlin Markets in Off season
Paul 2
Munich Beer Garden
williamlwoods 4
St Nicholas Eve and Day in Nuremberg
Karen 3
Train travel from Munich to Salzburg
william 2
Trip from Rome to Munich
cbagaoisan1030 3
Amsterdam to Munich with kids - Itinerary help please
recommendations of where to stay in Dresden, Prague, and Nurnberg
Sara 1
Germany and Eastern France with kids--itinerary help
Penny 3
Berchtesgaden area accommodations
Brad 2
Southern Germany & Vienna: too much?
ellenmariemiller 2
Southern Germany, Driving, Bed and Breakfast, ADVENTURES advice
Ulrich 4
Correct amount of time on Rhine, romantic road and castle areas?
nancycasey 13
Plane to train plane to train
Doug 9
steve 5
Ticket Suggestions
Judi 5
is this doable as a day trip or no?
Judy 5
Berchtesgaden Lodging
williamlwoods 1
recommendations of where to stay in Dresden, Prague, and Nurnberg
Sara 10
tips on Austria to Germany flights vs train
lcampbell 4
Traveling in March
sophiameyerson1 2
Best way to travel around Germany
joelle 7
Wittenberg: anything there on Dr. Faust
cmassiec 4
3 Days In Nurnberg
Jim Morris 6
Munich Airport to the German Alpine Road - 1 night stop on 15
Christie 7
Night train
lostyankees 3
Adding a second week to a tour of Luther-land -- Best options?
Lisa 7
What cities to visit in Germany?
artpop 7
Zugspitz and Neuschwanstein castle
deb g 2
Berlin Museum Pass
Paul 4
Rental car country requirements
Bob 3
Germany (Rhine) itinerary advice
adrianalynne 8
Help planning itinerary...Germany to Rome
love2travel 3
Car rental Munich
Bob 7
Driving and parking in and around Munich
rbrianwolfe 13
Berlin - Dresden - Munich
kingluc20 7
what to do with extra days
linda 4
Questions/Help on visiting Neuschwanstein Castle
mac5smoothstones 4
Day ticket for Bavaria (Bayern-Ticket)
jillianm101 1
Train Travel Cost in Germany
David 8
Family wanting to explore Rhine Valley
Margaret 9
Report: How I found the cheapest rail ticket from Frankfurt to Milan
Andreas 3