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Italy Reviews: Hotels & Restaurants

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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
One night in Venice. Memorable restaurant for dinner?
rghill 6
lunch near Milan Duomo
Laura 2
Cheap accommodation in Rome
panda18 4
Hotel recommendations Venice,lakes Verenna area
mklmom85 5
La Lanterna/Riomaggiore
John 1
Early morning Vatican/Sistine worth it
deacongerri 0
Trattoria Vitorrio, near Vatican
deacongerri 0
Florence Hotel Bigallo or Soggiorno Battistero
awis1951 8
Teatro del Sale - a boisterous and awesome dining experience in Firenze
patrick 0
Vegetarian food (no seafood) options in Venice?
rbrowne124 7
What is the best view middle-priced hotel in Positano, Italy?
marianne.neum... 4
Hotel: Hotel Campiello
Sue 10
Il Rigo and Il Rosolaccio
robin 1
"Il Nido" is a wonderful apartment for 2 in Tuscany, in Castelmuzio, Italy!
n_thompson50 6
Hotel Ritter in Milan?
Lew 0
Montepulciano--Rosso Rubino Trattoria--Great food
va from va 1
Hotel Europa Florence - Via Cavour - Review
Sharon 1
Hotels in Novana (Rome). Hotel Primavera or Palazzo del Duca house.
jenncaroline 1
Trattoria Nella, Florence
raeflawson 7
Looking for a romantic restaurant close to Castelrotto
stangorang 2
Restaurants in Sorrento and Capri.
kfaerber 4
Bed and Breakfast Gilda in Ragusa, Sicily?
SandraL 0
Accommodations in Vernazza or Manarola?
Jo 3
Eating in Rome
razorclams 5
Arenula Suites in Rome
brittney.storm 1
Residenza Goldoni in Venice?
michf12 1
Bed and Breakfast in Italy, October 2014 - Part 2 (Vernazza and Venice)
kse 3
Marvelous Food at Tratoria l' Galleto Briaco in Gaiole in Chianti
lbobula 0
Wonderful BnB in Gaiole in chianti
lbobula 0
2 nights in Cinque Terra
susanamurph 6
Which hotel to choose in Rome?
robin 8
Food tours and cooking classes in Rome and Palermo
Barbara 12
Casa Portagioia, Cortona region, Tuscany
tvb34 2
Amalfi or Positano??
emccutch 5
First trip to Italy....Almalfi Coast....Hotel recommendations?? Restaurants?
g.hbliss 2
The Residensia Cellini in Rome
Rene 2
Looking for Restaurant in Certaldo
Los Angeles 641 2
Hotel Recommendations in Ravello?
floewen 1
Siena - Palazzo Ravizza Review
ChristineH 2
Holy Week in Florence and Venice
niguellady1 2
Orvieto Agriturismo
j.jasinski 7
Recommendations for a residence in Florence for 5 adults?
jen 3
Been to Sorrento? Help me decide--
roger 4
Florence to Cortona, Perugia and Assisi (requesting hotel recs)
ravenn51 8
Sorrento - Where to stay for 3 nights
kln1971 4
House exchange companies
lisalafrance 6
Bed and Breakfasts in Italy - October 2014 Part 1 (Rome, Siena, Florence)
kse 3
Carolyn 1
Opinion on AirBnBs in Italy - 2 Bad Experiences
joanna_12 4
Hotels or BnBs in Milano Centro Storico - Recommendations Please
joanna_12 3