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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
2 hours to kill between Budapest landing and check-in
Jesqa305 14
Anyone in Budapest 17 November?
Mr É... 2
Budapest Spring Festival
Sue 2
What impact is the war against Israel having on tourism in Budapest?
Mr É... 18
Driver/Guide for day trip from Budapest to Botany, Slovakia
cgranny79 4
Danube water level at Budapest
Chris 5
What is best transportation alternative for Venice to Budapest?
psullsp 3
Information on the Metro/trams in Budapest
Janet 12
Winter Day Trips
mjlepak 3
Returning to Texas
Mr É... 27
One of my favorite places
Mr É... 2
Trouble Making a Reservation in Budapest
Andrea 13
Viki A of My Budapest Tours Fantastic Guide
Hungarian State Railways Announce Total Closure of Budapest - Vienna Line?
Moe 15
Restaurant Alternatives
Mr É... 7
Budapest - Zrinyi Street
Jennifer 6
Flying through Amsterdam to Budapest
Nan 4
Thermal Baths in Budapest
wgayle27 24
Budapest Jewish Tours
lisa za 13
bolt/taxify vs. taxi
lou 14
Godollo Palace in route to Budapest from Eger
islandfam2008 9
Safety in Budapest at night - Solo female traveler
ilovepoosterboy 10
Tickets to Parliament in Budapest
dneesz 13
Restaurant recommendation
cbburgmd 7
Budapest ..... again, and elsewhere.
Mr É... 74
Evening meal near the Opera House
djmrof 11
M1 Metro Inconvenience
Mr É... 14
In Hungary August, September, October?
Mr É... 53
Travel between Budapest and Prague
judybraun1812 1
ATM at Budapest airport
Frank II 24
Forint, HUF, Ft ??? Hungarian currency
Jim 4
Kids in Thermal Baths in Budapest
szamp 6
Food on the train from Vienna to Budapest?
Janet 7
Great Synagogue Budapest requirements
TravelBug79 6
Hotel recommendation for Budapest requested
techtrainer61 33
Gellert Bath closure?
Janet 3
Budapest 3.5 Days
bbouma333 6
Budapest suggestions! Going for a week in June
annemargaret 33
Train tickets: Budapest to Salzburg
techtrainer61 20
Danube bend back to Budapest tour
karen0564 3
Budapest website reliable ?
markwijns 2
Ritz-Carlton Budapest
Steve 9
BudapestGO App and buying correct ticket
LF 20
Recommendations for Budapest
Tom_MN 6
Keleti Station to the Marriott
dneesz 7
Royal Palace and Parliament Buildling visits
Birder49 18
How to Get a TravelCard, Budapest Pass or Budapest Card
Mr É... 32
One day tour guide for the City of MosonSzentjanos, Hungary
rlang6 1
Travel from Cincinnati area to Budapest area
Sheila 8
Szentendre Day Trip
Mr É... 2