I was up in Buda yesterday, having a beer outside the Szomjas Hattyú Pub (Thirsty Swan), while waiting for a doctor’s appointment. A couple in their 50’s approached me and asked if I spoke English. Maybe the Aggie baseball cap gave that away. They said they were lost and looking for Andrassy street. We were close to the 4/6 line, so I told them 8 stops that-away; opposite side of the river.
The woman wanted to know if Andrassy street was safe, because she heard it was where all of the political protests take place and that it was close to an area where targeted protests / violence like what has happened elsewhere in the US and Europe might occur.
I suggested to them that the odds of walking into something anyplace in Europe was remote so go and enjoy their holiday. The odds of a tourist being collateral damage most any place in the world is insignificant.
But the gentleman reinforced his wife’s concerns. So I told her we had a large election politics protest about a month ago with a reported attendance of 20.000. It lasted about 3 hours, speeches were made, flags were waved. Then everyone went home. Except those that hung around to clean up the mess. Despite the governments flaws, they have been very tolerant of the public's free speech. All of these Hungarian polotical protests have been permitted and the city has closed down parts of the city to help facilitate them - despite the anti government nature of them. Regarding the targeted protests / violence they were referring to, the Hungarian government so far has not tolerated it. Has not happened. Life is unchanged in the universities, houses of worship and the neighborhoods.
I post above with great trepidation. I don’t want this to go sideways. If it does, I will delete the post. But the questions I got surprised me a bit. The news tends to print the worse, for here and everywhere, so I thought it worth the effort to say here, and probably most everywhere, there is in general no problems for tourists to worry about. How many RS people have ever reported on walking into a bad situation? I cant remember one.
They didn’t ask about the war in Ukraine, but since we are on the topic. No spill over the shared border. No impact on life here. No violence related to it. Occasionally red paint tossed on the Russian embassy, that’s about it. And they didnt ask about general safety. These guys publish a safety index. I doubt its very perciese and it has to be subjective but for order of magnatude, probalby not bad. Budapest performed well. https://www.numbeo.com/crime/in/Budapest