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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
Christmas in a castle hotel on the Rhine -- suggestions?
srink100 5
travel between Rhine/Mosel region and north end of wine road in France
Lakewood Linda 6
Hiking King Ludwig Way
Ruthie 8
Firming up June Itinerary
Stephen 8
Hotel recommendation needed in Frankfurt for one night
Mona 8
Laundromat near Berlin HBF
Georgiatraveler 9
Buying a German Rail Pass
beth.chaplin 13
Neuschwanstein Castle and Zugspitze QUESTIONS
jtroutman 5
Renting a car in Munich
colleen 27
Heidelberg hotel recommendations
CL 4
Itinerary Help needed - 2 whirlwind weeks in Germany
emilyc1109 12
Train or Bus from Munich to Prague?
JoyJoy 6
Car rental vs leasing? Month in Europe
sjdimmick 2
Venice, Germany, Salzburg, Belgium & Paris trip?
Lizzy 4
Germany, the Swiss Alps, or Austria in winter
autumnatlucky7 6
Closures-May 1 and May 5
Stacy 3
Hamburg to Copenhagen
Sandy 4
Coordinated attacks on women in Germany & Egypt
edith 40
Travel concerns.
clhs65125 33
Looking for recommendations in the Lake Constance/Bodensee area
Mona 16
Lockers at train station
ycmruns 14
20 days in Germany - Question about buying a "Twin Flexi Rail Pass"
sandradee 8
Train travel between Munich and Austria
lorink 2
Dresden and Berlin: where to lodge?
beth.chaplin 11
Nördlingen, Ulm & Landsberg Restaurants.
Gary Mc 4
Hut to hut hiking in Bavarian Alps
smcbeltra 3
Train from Garmisch to Munich, Munich to Salzburg
ChristineH 3
First time to Europe-10 days fly into Munich or Salzburg & go into Switzerland to ski 1day
moorkampc 4
itinerary check please! Ancestral villages in western Germany/eastern France
Kathleen 10
Neighborhoods to stay in Berlin
Bill 9
Itinerary update - Feedback needed
ycmruns 14
First Time to Germany
steve 8
10 Days Germany, Switzerland and Austria Trip Itenery Help
jtroutman 5
One night in Gengenbach?
ChristineH 7
Itinerary check
mamabear 3
Visiting Zugspitze for first time, skiing questions
whitehat09 4
Germany end of March over Easter
nadineten 6
Advices on my itiniary (many options !)
bucephale 3
Naturalized American Citizen
galaxypark83 7
Refund from American Express / Lufthansa?
chuck 9
Where to stay in the Rhine and Mosel River Valleys?
michael.j.peter 6
12-14 days Berlin, Austria Germany
tskaar 14
Over night train Munich to Paris
wendycholly 3
itinerary help needed
shelleybelljones 12
Four nights in Germany
dkhome 3
Berlin Marathon 2016 & post race sightseeing !!
ycmruns 12
Layover in Munich Airport / Visit to Freising
Elle 4
Best Way to Get from the Mosel Valley to Colmar
hardy 2
Another transportation Question ...
j_55 16
Castle quest
dobbielou 14