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Post questions and answers about travel in Scotland

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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
Where is this?
Pamela 6
Tipping in UK?
Kathleen 11
American(non student) trying to attain UK visa
jaclyncafarelli 3
Did you know that Scotland votes on Independence next month?
Pamela 71
Scotland in December
tboskin 21
Uk passport stamps question.
gary.dick 2
Highlands in October
Lola 15
Q re visiting Edinburgh during The Open 2015
dgnagle4 8
route help please
hilary 4
Tours in Scotland
Mary Lou 7
Travel Videos on Scotland?
Lola 5
Isle of Skye
daleprescott 4
Kirkwall, Orkney cruise stop
Sharon 11
Edinbough Great Private tour, thanks for your recommendation
l.gerlach 4
5 days in Scotland in December
atmillett 2
Talking to the void
Cynthia 3
Weather late Sept and early October
Larry 2
abenskin 4
Scotland in late October
cturtle22 3
staying outside of Edinburgh
swtax 3
Will you be watching Outlander?
Pamela 22
Bus station in Edinburgh
mtbluespruce 1
Scotland in 3/4 days
tops678 22
Edinburgh for 3 days
Karen 6
First time in Scotland.
teani 4
Doing Laundry while on a RS tour in Scotland
Cindy 8
B&Bs in Glasgow - not far from airport
Maureen 7
Train travel in Scotland
Bev 4
Highland Games Invercharron, September 2014
mmkrockaway 6
Historic pubs in Glasgow and Edinburgh
Jim 1
Traditional/folk music
Jerry 3
scotland to ireland
lebron.linda 1
Bus Travel in Edinburgh
Larry 5
The Himalayas at St. Andrews Open in October?
Courtney 5
Help Planning Scotland
penny.mccoy87 6
Historic sites card
Larry 7
Scotland - Itinerary Help
Brenda 3
SIM card & service
lasmith7779 8
Edinburgh first time
Ann 8
best options to get to hotel from airport
lce0828 2
Scottish £
mtbluespruce 16
13 Day Itinerary - Please advise
2denisiel 11
First Time in Edinburgh and Borders
Larry 6
kfarrell 5
Best way to get Skye from Boston
mayer4 7
Southern Scotland
Larry 4
Sporting event in Edinburgh or nearby (late July). Suggestions?
Val 13
Which way can I see it all???
miners51 6
Recommendations for 1-day Highland trip
Heather 9
using CPAP machine in UK
equus1030 1