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Technology Tips

Talk up technology used for travel here

European tourism now comes with a digital divide: those with high tech gadgets and those without. Discuss gadgets, mobile devices, apps, cameras, rotary phones, and more. Which tools are worth the trouble and actually enhance your travels?

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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
T-Mobile increases international data speeds
Paul 7
Verizon International plan
Lulu348 26
U.S. Cellular coverage in Germany, NL, Austria?
karina303 12
Sharing a headphone tip for RSE Tour
sueamill 2
Keeping a SIM active
owl2vandy 1
New Bluetooth toy for travel
phred 6
Best portable power bank?
Jill M. 25
Best Travel Podcasts
Jeff 2
Smoke/carbon monoxide sensor
Kristina 5
Phones in Finland/EU
mm 4
Tara M 3
eSim in Italy with/phone #
Mariam 7
Music App sans $$$Data?
JosiePosie 7
Eurail Roaming SIM
jjkseventy7 0
How I used an eSIM data plan for one month in Germany (and a side trip to Denmark)
Mardee 25
T-Mobile Service at Home and Abroad
Jeff 15
iMessage and some texting not working after putting US sim back in- solutions?
northwestern 6
AirPods Pro and audio transmitter thing with corded earphones
chaguilera14 17
Share you favorite YouTube channels
Mary 14
Wifi calling using a mobile wifi device
Paul 13
Sim card for both UK and Greece?
sherry 8
Google maps offline...does not work for public transit
Cerastez 11
Sources for Audio Tours?
bsoth17 3
Back up GPS or maps with cell phone?
Susan and Monte 11
Google Calendar UPDATE: I figured how to do this!
vandrabrud 7
Adapter for Italy - Recommendation Please
i-love-dogs 14
Avoid Verizon in Europe at All Costs
mark.eschen 26
Phone vs camera for trip pics
carol 27
France / Germany Sim
greg1262002 1
How to phone
phred 10
eSIM Success & Update for Round 2
TexasTravelMom 34
Has anyone used Airalo?
lrsathome 11
Wireless earbuds
KC 2
Phone charging - do we need to bring the wall plug? Or just USB cord and adapter?
lindawseattle 13
Anyone purchase vodafone sim on Amazon recently?
goanywhere 24
Orange 14-day (e)sim plans: calendar days or 24hr days?
amindamazed 3
Holafly esim
Cerastez 3
Dumb question
Amanda 21
T-mobile Magenta Plan in France
Amy 11
How do you search this forum?
Debbie R 6
A credit card question
Barbara 17
Suggestion for translator app for iphone
TravelNana 8
SIM card for Europe
jamathie 7
Taxi App. In different cities.
Phil 1
Apple Pay/Google pay in puglia
Doris 2
Whisper system with hearing aids
mbobalik 3
Earbuds for small ears
Mariam 12
Dual SIM and Verizon Travel Pass
JCR7 6
UK adapter and converter recommendations
Denice 6
Portable power bank for cell phone
Mary 7