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AirPods Pro and audio transmitter thing with corded earphones

I am new to using wireless AirPod Pro earbuds and was wondering if they will with work the audio receiver the guide gives us to use during our trip, which come with corded ear buds. I would appreciate any information.

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314 posts

Probably not, since Air Pods (or any wireless ear buds) require a Bluetooth connection to work. If the transmitters use wired headphones, then they most likely are not Bluetooth equipped. When I took a RS tour in 2019 it was wired headphones only. It’s possible that’s changed, though. Maybe ask the tour office.

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959 posts

No, they are not Bluetooth. I always take a pair of my own earbuds to use as I find the ones supplied hurt my ears.

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2267 posts

You could buy a Bluetooth transmitter for $30-50 to plug into the guide receiver, and use the AirPods that way. Slight downside having another thing to keep charged and another thing to carry (though they’re small.)

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740 posts

Time for the Rickster to upgrade the technology.

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34522 posts

as long the rest of the crowd (blue WHAT???) aren't left behind...

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15114 posts

It's not really "Rick's" technology. The units are rented from suppliers in Europe and used by many different companies. I've done a bunch of Road Scholar tours that use the same whispersets. Those companies went for nearly 2 years without customers so I'd be surprised if their bottom lines would support new technology at this juncture.

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6 posts

Thanks everyone, that's pretty much what I thought. I simple can't use the earbuds that come with the device as they won't stay in my ears. Thus I am forced to bring my own and no longer have any earbuds that are corded. Looks like I will be buying new airbuds for our Eastern France tour in September.
Happy travels,

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2775 posts

The tour I took this spring, and others in 2019, provided a different type. It hooked over the ear and the speaker floated over the ear canal so nothing had to fit inside your ear.
Also, this is for one ear.

Posted by
809 posts

The tour I took this spring, and others in 2019, provided a different type. It hooked over the ear and the speaker floated over the ear canal so nothing had to fit inside your ear.

Liz: Was this a Rick Steves tour?

Anyone else have a similar recent experience?

Posted by
6 posts

LizinPa, yes our RS Venice, Florence, Rome tour in April also had those. I, unfortunately, really disliked them as they constantly fell off. LOL I really am not a princess but do have trouble with earbuds. Several other folks didn't care for them either. Am sure it is difficult to find the perfect answer for all. thanks

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10472 posts

Hi Catherine - someone referenced above a Bluetooth transmitter that plugs in -- I bought the AirFly from Twelve South -- then you can also use your Bluetooth headphones on the plane when you are watching movies ! A little expensive for what it is, but it works and is tiny.

A bonus, the version I have transmits to two pairs of BT headphones/earbuds, so you can even share with a partner.

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1 posts

What type of plug is required for the ear phones to fit into the Rick Steve's supplied audio device? Does the plug look like a point or the little flat shovel style that fit newer iPhones? Thank you Kathryn

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740 posts

I want the audio to stream through my hearing aids.

Posted by
117 posts

We used the Airfly bluetooth adapters for our recent trip in May. Worked perfect with our Airbuds and no cords...also used them in the plane. Available on Amazon