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General Europe

Questions and answers regarding travel across multiple countries

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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
marie 7
The safest places in Europe...
Andreas 6
what if I have to cancel my reservations - refund??
Anabelle 7
1 week to go...
Jennie 24
What Do You Do With Your Photos When You Get Home?
Randy 32
Webmaster Update: Search and FAQ fixed
Webmaster 7
Re hotel
Shannon 5
Foreign Currency Conversion Fee Settlement
Nancy 15
I love Europe but a friend wants to go to Costa Rica?
Lindsey 19
If my hotel bill includes VAT can I get that back when I leave for home
Tom 5
Rick Steves Flat Pack
Paula 8
Thinking of walking The Way/ El camino
Ed 17
John 10
Travel panning conservatism x "the back door" - how it goes?
Andre L. 33
St Petersburg home stay
Dave 2
St Petersburg travel
Dave 3
Au revoir, George Whitman.
Thomas 2
Shipping to the US from Spain, or from the Spanish territories in Morocco?
John 8
Other guidebooks for Germany that cover more than RS
Kelly 8
What to do for an extra week?
Kathryn 3
Betty 8
Favorable exchange rate $ to €
Andreas 19
Jungfrau or Rhine?
danielle 5
Giving out credit card information for reservations
Lana 12
Help with Jetlag
sally 12
Travel Review/Rating Websites
Kira 23
How to pay a European hospital bill (in euro) from the U.S.?
Wes 13
Madrid, Spain
Patti 4
Snow outlook in your corner of Europe?
Thomas 23
How did you lose your money?
Maryam 8
Updating everyone on our June 2011 trip to Normandy, Battle of Bulge sites
Maryanne 2
Possible to carry on?
Carolyn 8
Help me figure out the exchange rate
April 3
As the price of euro's
harry 3
Student Visas and the EU
Adam 6
Italy in August
Kristen 14
Iceland vs Paris/Dordogne? vs Serbia/Croatia
Lauren 7
French 4 month visa - can I re-enter in the same year for 90 days?
Susan 9
How much cash will you take with you, carry and ATMs
David 36
Tablet vs Netbook
Sharon 35
Weather in Germany and Austria in Late March/April
Min 5
cheapest flight city to Europe
Imran 6
european climate maps
Dan 3
What is your Christmas wish?
Toni 3
Happy Christmas
Nigel 18
Dorm room in hostel ensuite
Tom 12
Traveling in February
Lori 6
Need a travel VISA to India
Annie 6
Driving conditions
Armelle 4
Camera Bag on Wheels
Sharon 5