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I love Europe but a friend wants to go to Costa Rica?

Hi all-
I adore Europe and really had my heart set on going back in the spring. However, my travel friend wants to go to Costa Rica. I am having a hard time deciding if I want to go there- it seems boring to me (I was just in a rain forest this summer and did the zipline thing) and I'm not sure that it will have the cultural depth that I really enjoy experiencing. Probably because I am not informed about it. Can anybody tell me where to go that isn't touristy? Is it really great and worth the money? Any advise would be so great! Thank you !

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1840 posts

Respectfully, get a new friend and go where you want to.

Posted by
3696 posts

Lindsey... definitely follow your own path. I have been to Costa Rica and did love it, but given the choice its always Europe. CR is a nice place to travel if the time does not allow you to go to Europe or also if you just need to get away from cold northern weather... like maybe in Jan. but otherwise its all been said... a new friend, or just be a friend to yourself and travel alone.

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6898 posts

Costa Rica has a different level of beauty and adventure. Just don't stay in San Jose. You can stay in a hotel on the rim of the Poas Volcano, or stay in a beautiful lodge on stilts in a guava forest (loved it), or stay in a remote lodge in Tortoguero and watch the turtles come ashore at night to lay eggs and get yelled at by the howler monkeys in the morning (loved that even more - especially the monkeys), or visit a banana plantation. There are over 800 species of birds to observe. I did get to see two resplendant quetzals, a very rare bird. Just a lot of natural beauty. No centuries old churches, buildings or museums. You'll find Europe much more historic and touristy. I'd love to go back to Costa Rica and visit but I really have more of Europe to see.

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5 posts

Monte and Bob- that is great advice! Especially if that friend is an attractive single man age 28-40 :) And Larry- thank you so much for your input. I will look into those places.

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1589 posts

" Monte and Bob- that is great advice! Especially if that friend is an attractive single man age 28-40 :) " Lindsey now is a good time to make your own path in life- men come and men go! Have a great trip!

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5 posts

I completely agree! I was just joking :) Thank you for your thoughts!

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32216 posts

Lindsey, I tend to agree with the others. You don't seem too enthusiastic about Costa Rica (and you were in a rain forest this summer), so I'd go with what interests you the most. Good luck and happy travels!

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9363 posts

Allow me to play devil's advocate here (so to speak): If your travel companion is one that you travel with frequently, it might be worth your while to compromise, or take turns deciding where to go. Depending on how you feel about the relationship, sometimes you just have to let someone else have their preference if you want to preserve the peace. Costa Rica is much, much more than a rainforest and a zipline. Being unwilling to investigate it, even by reading a guidebook, seems a bit selfish and shortsighted to me. Europe is great, but so are lots of other places in the world.

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2091 posts

Lindsey, travel partner relationships are difficult enough to deal with! If you're starting off already with disagreements, you will (probably) have major disagreements and tension on your trip! (I speak from experience.)
"I have found out that there ain't no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them."--Mark Twain

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5 posts

Thanks for your thoughts- I am definitely open to looking into it. That's why I posted here- to see if anybody knew more than I did. I have been looking online without really much help. We will pick a place we both like and it'll work out! We both want to make sure that each of us are onboard wherever we go. Thanks again for taking the time to leave your input!

Posted by
3049 posts

I agree with Nancy. Then again, I was one of those people who had Europe well at the bottom of my "to see" list behind much of Central America and Asia. I guess we all have our preferences! Is your friend set on Costa Rica, or did they chose it because they wanted a tropical, safe location? You might want to consider a compromise on another Central American location in that case. Mexico's Yucatan penninsula/Chiapas has the rainforests and tropical weather and better beaches than Costa Rica, but also has a lot of great history, culture, churches, etc. It's really cheap there right now since Americans have stopped going to Mexico because of the drug-related violence, but southern Mexico is almost completely untouched by that and is relatively safe. Not like, Europe or Costa Rica level safe, but a lot safer than the hype. A lot cheaper than Costa Rica too. Anyway, something to consider!

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11507 posts

Lindsey you need to visit a few other forums,, I would try Costa Rica and Lonely Planets Thorntree forums. This forum is great,, but many here are definitely europhiles only,, and I love europe too,, but really, I wouldn't limit myself just to europe .. especially since I assume you are younger( under 40?) so go and explore the world a bit. Europe will always be here,, so why not try a few other places. That said, if you really are not interested( even after doing some research) then of course don't bother ,, going just to please someone else does niether of you a service. Will add this,, I had been to Europe many times before I finally went to London. I just didn't "feel " the pull to the UK at all. One day my stepmom suggested I go over with her to London, just for a week,, as she had a free place to stay on Sloane Square. It would only cost me my plane ticket. So, I went,, and am I ever glad I gave it a chance,, now I have been 4 times, and there is so much I would have missed had I given in to my ambivilent feelings.
Do some more research,, you may find Costa Rica has some rich history and culture to explore after all.

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15593 posts

I say give it a try. There are rain forests and there are rain forests. There's a reason so many people go to there, after all. I have been to a few places (not many, though) that I would not care to return to, but none that I was sorry I went to. I spent 3 days in Bangkok (that I had never considered visiting) as a stopover on a trip to Australia. This year I went back for 2 weeks in Thailand and I definitely plan to return.

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3779 posts

Tough call. The trip to Europe you had your heart set on, or Costa Rica, which you really sound not very interested in. You want to be a good friend and open to new experiences and places, but yet you had your heart set on Europe. I'm of the same opinion as Monte and Bob. Terry Kathryn said "follow your own path". Agree very much with that. I would seek out another friend who wants to go with you to Europe, whether it be male or female. The best possible solution would be if your (original) friend agrees to do both trips. He or she goes to Europe with you and you agree to go on the Costa Rica trip they wanted. That would be a fair compromise. But if you can only do one trip, I'd do the one you "had your heart set on". It's your money you're spending to go there, after all.

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359 posts

I love them both. To me Costa Rica is very much about nature, the scenery and the wildlife. The Costa Rican people are wonderful. Most of the best places in Costa Rica are going to be somewhat "touristy" but it does not take away from their beauty and the experience. A popular idea for first timers to CR is to split time between Manuel Antonio area (Nat Park, beach...) and Arenal area (volcano...) CR is a very casual, laid back vibe. Not so much about galleries and architecture, more about nature. I would suggest going during dry season which is also high season (mid Dec- April) If you love wildlife than CR is fantastic.
I say go to CR and Europe!

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973 posts

I liked CR- flew into Liberia, spent 5 days at the beach ( Flamingo Beach Hotel), 4 days at Arenal at Tabacon, 4 days at Monteverde in a cabin in town, one more afternoon at the beach on the way to a last night in San Jose before flying home. I know I missed seeing the culture in San Jose as well as the archeological treasures nearby, but that's for next time. The scenery was gorgeous throughtout the country and the people were lovely. CR is way more than a zipline ( tho Selvatura was incredible) and a rainforest. No jetlag, no euros, no need to worry about looking like a tourist, no lines, lower airfare, great seafood. I didn't think CR was that expensive tho it was more $$ than Mexico- fewer worries about turista.
I rarely chill in Europe like I do south of the border. Maybe your friend feels stress this year and wants to chill more- maybe that's the question?

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9363 posts

One other thing I loved about Costa Rica (besides being in the same time zone as at home) - you can use your electronics chargers with no adapters, just like at home. Same voltage, same plugs.

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129 posts

I know the feeling. I went to CR last year on a volunteer trip. I wasn't too thrilled on going, either. I just wanted to see what all the hype was all about. I did a volunteer trip which was really cool. Worked with turtles and lived on the beach, and met people from all over the world. I didn't hate it but I didn't feel the same way about it that I do about Europe, and other parts of the world. I say, go where you want to go, and you can go by yourselves. Perhaps to compromise, find a place in the states or canada (Vancouver is awesome!!) that you can both enjoy so you aren't spending so much money and having to deal with culture shock. Quickest way to end a friendship is traveling.... And remember, you can always go to CR later once you learn more about it or whatever...