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Need a travel VISA to India

I'm an American traveling in Spain and would like to get a travel VISA to India. Is it absolutely impossible that I could get one within the next week?

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1570 posts

Getting a visa to India is normally quite straight forward, at least in the US. Given your time limitations, I think you will have to get it from the embassy in Madrid or use an agency.

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4 posts

When I traveling to India, it took over 3 weeks to receive it after applying. I would visit the Indian Visa website, and I would definitely recommend applying for it in Spain (if possible). Best of luck

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1806 posts

The following is copied from an article that recently appeared in an online edition of Frommer's Budget Travel. The article was about the 8 most difficult countries to obtain a visa for. Frommer's suggested at least 1 full month when trying to get a visa for India. Good luck!: Why It's Complicated: It's not that it's difficult per se to get a visa in Indiamore than 8 million Americans visit the country each yearit's more that the process is time-consuming. If you're not expecting the lengthy application exercise, the visa can come as a surpriseand potentially delay your vacation. What to Do: First, you need to apply to Travisa Visa Outsourcing, the contractor that handles processing for the Government of India. Travisa will let you know which embassy or consulate has jurisdiction where you live. Then you have to provide proof of residency, such as a photocopy of your driver's license and of a major utility billwater, gas, or electric is OK; cable or cell phone is not. (Reach out to your consulate to confirm the kind of paperwork they will request as requirements change frequently.) And talk about picky: Travisa Visa Outsourcing says on its website, "Do not cut your driver's license copy down to a smaller size. Please leave the copy on regular sized paper." If you don't submit a copy, they will make a photocopy for you for $2.  

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32253 posts

Annie, You may have already done this, but be sure to have a look at This Website prior to travelling to India.

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9109 posts

For an extra fee most all countries (including India), provide an "expedite" service for those who need a visa quickly. According to India's Madrid Embassy website, unfortunately this service is only available to Spanish citizens:( The website to the travel agency I provided in my previous post was from the embassy site, expedited visas have to done through them. So if they say it's're out of luck:(