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Snow outlook in your corner of Europe?

What's the outlook for a white Christmas in your neck of the woods?
Jo? James? Tom? Nigel? Andre L? Others? In Vienna we are looking at a chance of a Rain/snow mix in the city center tomorrow and snow in the suburbs and Vienna Woods. I live at the edge of the woods, so I'm probably more excited than a grown-up should be. :-) Merry Christmas!

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791 posts

It's been snowing in the mountains all around us (Asiago, etc) but nothing here in Vicenza yet unfortunately. Our Italians neighbor told us last night that they got snow in areas south of Rome and in Sicily which is quite shocking.

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33183 posts

No chance here... had snow yesterday and its been hovering around freezing point for a week. Last night I watched the thermometer go up all evening, it was 6 before I went to bed. From tomorrow it will be in the mid teens and will remain there all week. No snowy stuff here. Means I can get in a round or two of golf!!

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791 posts

Well, my 3 year old is addicted to Frosty the Snowman and wants to make a snowman in the worst way now so I'm hoping we get at least a little bit this winter.

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12040 posts

Currently, we're having our first significant snowfall of the season. We'll see how long it lasts. I was in Lech am Arlberg over the weekend (Austrian Alps). The snow was coming down heavy and furious all weekend. Hopefully, this will make up for the late start of the ski season.

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15658 posts

High today 79F/26C, but it is expected to be cooler by the weekend. Jerusalem & Bethlehem are several degrees cooler (altitude). Definitely anyone going to midnight mass in Bethlehem will need a coat. If you squint at the map, we are in the corner of Europe :-) Seasons Greetings to All!!

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33183 posts

If you squint at the map, we are in the corner of Europe ... as manifested by the superior quality of the Eurovision entries from Israel...

Posted by
375 posts

A few flurries seen but mostly just wet and cold. If you're going to be in England, better to spend some time in a pub or at the Panto. Lots of Christmas cheer there! I love to watch the children in the audience at the Panto. My favorite was when a boy of about 6 suddenly had an epiphany and yelled at "the Dame": "you're a MAN!!". It was as if he had just discovered there's no Santa or something.

Posted by
2829 posts

No snow in Southern Netherlands whatsoever. Forecast is dry and not much cold. We had just a bit of drizzling rain and a couple barely frozen ponds, but that was it, temperatures are back into 6-10 degrees maximum and should stay so for another 10-12 days.

Posted by
517 posts

Woke up this morning to a nice dusting of snow. Everything white and festive. Down in the city center it was rain, however. Still it was nice. That is probably it til New Years.

Posted by
241 posts

Warm, 3-9 C. Only had about 4cm snow last week, and it's all gone.

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12040 posts

Snow is about half melted now, except on the upper levels of the Odenwald. That was pretty while it lasted.

Posted by
1364 posts

Well, since I will be the first poster from the U.S., Seattle does not usually get much snow but for the past several years, have "enjoyed" several feet. A white Christmas is probably not on the horizon, even in the mountains it has been a mix of rain/snow. Skiers and snowboarders not happy. As a child, growing up in New England and Germany, we had snow every Christmas and sometimes Easter. Ha!

Posted by
1364 posts

Dah... sorry everyone.. I see now that the Header on this posting is snow in Europe... oh well, you got my two cents.. :(

Posted by
517 posts

No worries! Nice to hear what's going on in the States too. I heard there is a blizzard in the middle of the U.S. Hope all of you in the Mid West are surviving it o.k.

Posted by
1976 posts

In the Midwest, Kansas and Oklahoma got the worst of it. No snow in St. Louis yet - we've had rain for the past 2 days which is really unusual this time of year.

Posted by
32253 posts

As long as someone has opened up the discussion to include North America, it's doubtful that even this corner of western Canada will be having a White Christmas (except for the ski hills of course). There's a small amount of snow on the ground now, but it's melting quickly, as it's warm today and the sun is out (I'd much rather have the sun anyway!). The forecast for Christmas day is 40% chance of precipitation, possibly mixed snow / rain showers, with a high of 2?C and a low of -3?C. Oh well, at least I won't have to shovel the driveway that day! Cheers!

Posted by
16774 posts

Snow hit the middle of North America but in the far West we have almost none, including in the mountains. Here is a video of people ice-skating on a snow-free Tenaya Lake in Yosemite National Park a few days ago. This lake is at 8,000 feet and is usually under 3 or 4 feet of snow, and completely inaccessible by road, by now. This year you can still drive right to it and put on your skates:

Posted by
1319 posts

Lots of rain in the Indianapolis area and no snow. :-(

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3696 posts

No snow in Michigan and I, for one, am happy to be shopping in the warm weather. Still feels like Christmas to me!

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32253 posts

I have to make a revision to my previous note. The forecast is now calling for 2 - 4 cm of snow tonight, so we may indeed have a White Christmas. However, the temperatures are supposed to be about zero on Christmas day, perhaps with rain so the "white" will turn to "slush" fairly quickly. I'm sure the local ski hills (Silver Star and Big White) will be happy, as they will likely be getting lots of new powder.

Posted by
12040 posts

I'm spending Christmas at Baraque de Fraiture, the highest point in Belgium, in the Ardennes. There was quite a bit of snow yesterday, but rain overnight melted about half of it away.

Posted by
15658 posts

In the end, the weather was pretty nasty this Christmas in Bethlehem. Quite cold on Saturday night and the powers that be decreed that only the invitees would be allowed to enter the Church of the Nativity for midnight mass, while the many tourists from around the globe could only hang out in Manger Square in front of the church. Then the rains came. All day yesterday there was fog and rain and single-digit temps. Maybe the weather will be better in a week and a half for the Orthodox Christmas. It's sunny now. Happy New Year!

Posted by
146 posts

Last time it snowed here was in 1996, a dusting, and before that, an eighth of an inch in 1952. Temp today is 68f (20c), with gentle breezes. Ahh.... and Chani, I guess if you are a member of the elite in Bethlehem, you get to go to Midnight Mass. If not, you get to go stand out in the cold and rain.