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Happy Christmas

As it turns to midnight in Europe and becomes Christmas Day, may I wish all contributors and visitors to this site a Very Happy Christmas and a happy, safe, enjoyable New Year. I pray that the world has more peace and that difficult circumstances improve. You are all part of my extended family, so to the family I wish it. Nigel

Posted by
10357 posts

Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah to you and the rest of the Rick Steves helpline family!

Posted by
32253 posts

Nigel, I'd like to extend best wishes for Christmas and the New Year to you also, and to all the wonderful group here on the HelpLine. Hopefully we will all have good health and many happy travels in the years to come.

Posted by
2092 posts

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a Happy, Healthy 2012 to regular GW posters and "missing" ones too!

Posted by
1446 posts

Have a nice holiday. I appreciate all of your good advice and look forward to communication in 2012!

Posted by
441 posts

Wishing everyone a happy holiday season and wonderful new year.

Posted by
2788 posts

And to you Nigel, a faithful member our our internet family.
Lets all hope for a better and more peaceful New Year.

Posted by
9021 posts

Just woke up and saw that Santa had once again visited Frankfurt. Yay!!! Wishing all of you a wonderful Christmas Day!

Posted by
133 posts

I wish you all every good thing now and in the New Year. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Year.

Posted by
146 posts

Happy Christmas Nigel, and to all, may the coming year be joyous!

Posted by
11464 posts

Buon Natale a tutto from Rome! May you all have a peaceful and blessed day. We are enjoying Rome more in part because of the help received from you!

Posted by
19159 posts

Nigel, thanks for posting this, and a Merry Christmas to you and everyone else on the board.

Posted by
2392 posts

What a lovely and thoughtful message from Nigel. As Tiny Tim said, God Bless us one and all.

Posted by
8700 posts

Merry Christmas to you, Nigel - and to the rest of the Helpline family. Look out! I hope to make my third trip to the UK in the summer of 2013.

Posted by
3696 posts

Merry Christmas everyone... and thanks to all for making European travel a little easier with all the travel advice. As I look forward to this next year through my 'rose colored glasses' may we have a more peaceful and beautiful year.

Posted by
2734 posts

Peace, love and joy to all. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Posted by
975 posts

Merry Christmas to all y'all, and thanks for the advice over the years!