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Traveling in February

My husband and I are planning a trip to either Paris or Rome for the second week of February. We are very interested in art,architecture and history. Keeping in mind winter weather and winter schedules for museums, which city would be the better choice?

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32253 posts

Lori, In terms of "winter weather", Rome will likely be somewhat warmer (of course no guarantees) and there's certainly enough art, architecture and history to keep you busy there. Happy travels!

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65 posts

Whatever the weather is it will be better than here (Central IL). My wife and I did both in Feb 2009. As others will tell you for winter travel make sure you layer your clothes. A tee shirt, fleece or sweatshirt, and rain jacket was fine for us. Good light waterproof shoes and gloves were very handy. I don't know if it was bad timing or not but it rained about every afternoon in Rome when we were there. They went through quick so don't right off the whole day. We loved both cities. Depends what kind of art, arch, and history you like. Have a great trip.

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1589 posts

I agree with Ken since both have a "little" art,architecture and history going for them. Have a great trip!

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76 posts

I went to both one January. Rome was slightly warmer. Not much. Pick your first choice. (I would prefer Paris. ;) ) Carole

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359 posts

you can't go wrong with either choice weather is unpredictable
pick either one

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796 posts

Hi Lori. I visited Paris in February (sorry I can't remember the exact dates) and really enjoyed it. I can't speak for Rome at that time of year. I didn't find the winter schedules for museums to be restrictive. Warm rainproof clothing are a requirement. I found it was a great time of year as there were less crowds. I walked and walked and walked, seeing lots of great architecture; the bridges on the Seine are especially gorgeous. Enjoy your trip, wherever you decide to go.