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Title   Author  Replies Last Post
Norway in a Nutshell question
saramgc46 1
Please help with Norway itinerary
saurabhkhare25 1
Oslo to Bergen train or Bergen to Oslo train - which ride is better?
savitapillai 5
Is there a Sognefjorden Cruise Company?
s_beecher 7
Successfully booked online NSB for Norway in a Nutshell with PayPal
sbjdncmls 1
Too much to tackle in 7 days?
scholbrook 2
Nutshell from Flam
schomar 6
Fjord trip Oslo
scot.dailey 2
Norway in a Nutshell
Scott M 6
Gundvangen Avalanche: no bus to Voss!
scottstanfield 5
Alternatives to road closures for drive from Trondheim to Bergen to Oslo
sean.wongpw 3
Oslo and Harstad Norway Itinerary Help?
Seattle1984 2
Hotel suggestions in Oslo and Bergen?
Seattle1984 3
Fjord tour suggestions?
Seattle1984 1
Sognefjord/Aurland - Points of Interest for a Free Day?
sedmacdonald 4
Cruising the fjords from Bergen- on a budget
Selena 6
Oslo to Bergen
selmaerasmus 3
Assistance with Norway 8 day itinerary
serenity.dn86 2
Sognefjord Cruise from Sogndal to Flam Railway
seruleane 6
Preikestolen hike vs. Stegastein/Mt. Prest hike?
seruleane 3
Help with complicated Norway fjord trip coming up in a week!!!
sgeffron 6
5 days in Norway Itinerary recommendations. Flying into Oslo and flying out of Bergen
sgunjan 1
Norway in a Nutshell tour in 2 days instead of 1. Options?
sgunjan 5
Norway possible iternerary
shah.meghavi 0
Car Rental for Lofoten area
sharon.arntsen 2
Bike tour Oslo early August
sharontreece1209 0
RS or Tauck Scandinavia Tour more scenic?
Shaun 0
Is the Oslo Pass still part of an Oslo Package room booking?
Shaun 7
Decaf coffee available?
Sheila 2
Sognefjord in a Nutshell
Sheila 5
Glacier Day Trips from Bergen- worthwhile?
Sheila 0
Hotels in Bergen
Sheila 4
Decaf Coffee in Oslo!
Sheila 0
Gluten Free in Oslo
Sheila 0
Gluten Free in Bergen
Sheila 3
Best use of 2 days with rental house near Styrn
sheri.munshi 2
Norway Fjords Itinerary
Sheron 1
Flamsbana sold out - help!
sherrygoserud 8
Norway in Christmas week. Good idea?
shilpakulkarni20 2
Nutshell- oslo to Balestrand And three days later onto Bergen
shoshana 4
Renting Bed linens and towels in Norway
shshank.jain 5
Comparison of Lofoten Islands and Fjords
shuklag 8
Which Norway in a Nutshell is better?
shuklag 3
Alesund to Trollstigen by car
shuklag 4
Norway Trip 14th-26th October
shybey 2
Norway 9 days trip - any comments or suggestions?
simran 0
Lofoten Islands --Where do I start?
simran 0
Driving from Stavagner to Flam?
simran 1
Totally Confused - 1 week in Norway
simran 4
Norway Iten - thoughts / any changes needed?
simran 4