Hi all!
I'm doing the Sognefjord in a nutshell this August, and I'm trying to feel out how risky it would be to plan on an excursion after my overnight in Balestrand. I'm hoping to fit in a trip to Fjærland, but I noticed that the return ferry arrives just five minutes before the Balestrand-Bergen express boat that I'll be on. Do people have experience trying to make a tight connection like that? I'm only traveling with a backpack, so if it's just a matter of hopping onto the dock and back onto another boat, I think it would be fine, but I have the nagging sense that this might be cutting it too close for comfort. Any thoughts? Thanks!
I don't have an answer, but have the same question. Doing this next month. Also hoping to go from Flam to Balestrand 6-8 a.m. and then catch the 8 a.m Fjaerland boat and the express after that like you. Kind of worried about the timing.
There is a bus connection from Balestrand 17:35 to Vadheim 18:45, Vadheim 19:00 to Bergen 21:50. If you don't book the boat and miss it, hop on the bus.