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Technology Tips

Talk up technology used for travel here

European tourism now comes with a digital divide: those with high tech gadgets and those without. Discuss gadgets, mobile devices, apps, cameras, rotary phones, and more. Which tools are worth the trouble and actually enhance your travels?

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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
Chip and Pin credit cards
KC 43
Setting up a family & friends travel blog
45pinetrail 12
And, another question
advocatecare 16
This is an interesting idea.....
Ken 5
Online Banking Security
ftmsb 22
Camera vs. cellphone
phred 9
TIM or WIND Store Hours in Venice
Work2Travel 1
Travel adapter work in Norway?
Seattle1984 7
Google Stories- Automatic Photo Trip Presentation with Maps! FREE!
Richard 4
Calling US from Europe
Niloo 9
Sim vs Global plan to connect with fellow travelers.
Hermosa 6
Question about website for trip reviews
advocatecare 10
Is iPhone 6 a good camera for Europe?
Eileen 7
"Last Date" of Posts
Robert 6
purchasing a smart phone data plan in europe
royal1233 15
Radio use in UK
John 6
Mobile Wi-Fi in the UK
John 11
Buying SIM card in Italian airport on Sunday
yechielmarcus 0
Accounting App
l.p.enersen 9
Italian language learning programs best
bsibiski 18
Hangouts Dialer, wifi backup for poor cellular reception?
Les 8
Phone access from Canada to US
gphillips12 6
multi hub for charging usb
Kathleen 23
How to take great iPhone photos?
saweber95 5
Old Ipad is heavy, will an Iphone 6plus work similar to an Ipad?
June 12
What do I need in order to use my electronic devices in different countries?
Seattle1984 8
Create your own Google Trip Map
Gretchen 0
There are a lot of things that I can forego, not my phone! Pls. Help!
alopezsanfran 8
All In One Travel Adapter
Buzzy 3
Coordinating Samsungs - photo backup & recharging
Hermosa 5
Seeking advice on new Kindle/ereader/something else?
Pam 29
Do I need a smart phone traveling to Ireland
s_mcdonald 7
Your newest and/or favorite travel app?
Val 6
retrieving flight confirmation number
fishes4you 2
What camera and lenses I took to Europe
Shaun 19
Upgrade to Iphone 6+ or Ipad mini for travel?
June 10
US T-Mobile Simple Choice Plan SIM in Europe
TFD612 5
Figuring out where I took these pictures
steveanthony800 7
Israel tech news - good and bad
Harold 9
Which Lens?
teani 5
audio journaling app???
Kaye 0
Printing ebook maps
patandlindamo... 2
French Language Learning Podcasts for Travelers
Alloro 2
Long term travel in EU, Sims or Global Plans
lynwes 9
using a windowsphone for ricks audio tours
royal1233 7
navigation in eastern European countries, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania
mvernon99 4
Your travel route and Google Android "location history"
rab 2
Travel Wifi
Colette 9
Charging Nikon Coolpix battery
Joel 10
Fitbit data on iPad?
Joel 7