We've decided to take our iPhones to Europe with us in September. I plan to use it for free wifi in hotels, cafes, etc., and for the map apps. We also plan to use it to call each other in case we get separated. Since the lowest useable global plan from Verizon is $40 with voice time whereas the pay-as-you-go rate for calls is $1.79 per minute (up to 22 minutes to break even) we figure we might not use it at all or only for a few minutes if we're lost trying to find each other. That would also allow us to receive emergency calls from home. My question is when do you start getting charged for calls. For outgoing, I assume the time starts the second you hit the Call button and it can eat up several seconds (minutes?) waiting to get connected. For incoming, I hope the timing doesn't start until you hit the Answer button. That way we can ignore any calls that aren't from family without getting charged for the time it spends ringing.
Anybody know if I'm correct on the timing?