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Best picture upload site that can be shared

Second tech question of the day - if I want to upload my photos to a site like Shutterfly or Flickr, are they both easy to share links with people so they can the pictures (especially if I group them in Albums by location)? I doubt I'm going to get to the Weebly website to make a web-blog anytime soon; maybe in the winter when we are snowed in...

Posted by
153 posts

Love, Love SmugMug - have been a very satisfied customer for years! I have used their share to send photos via email - it is very simple. I use the "Power" plan at $60 per year - download while traveling for wonderful peace of mind and photo insurance! You'll love it - plus, their "Heroes" on their help desk are very efficient, returning emails promptly!

Posted by
17603 posts

My husband loves Dropbox. I haven't tried it yet.

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1068 posts

I use Shutterfly. It is free to create and use a website and pretty easy to make albums and share them with people. Not sure about others as I started using it about 4-5 years ago and Shutterfly does what I want.

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4947 posts

if you have Google accounts (and most folks do), you can use either Google Photo a/k/a Picasa or Google Drive.

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2262 posts

I also use SmugMug. A small price to pay for a clean platform that works well, and stores my photos off-site, i.e. not at my home.

Posted by
15799 posts

I've used Google's Picasa for years. I also use it for editing my photos. It's pretty simple.

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15 posts

On my last two trips at the end of each day I uploaded my pictures to Google Photos mainly as a backup in case anything happened to my camera. I used to bring a laptop for the same purpose, but now most hotels have Wi-Fi and in the interest of traveling light and getting through airport security, it is sure advantageous to travel without a laptop. My camera is not Web-capable, but with my smartphone, an SD card reader, and a couple of cables, I get the job done.

Google Photos can generate links so you can share your photos. It has the option of full-resolution or reduced-resolution; there is a limit on the former (without paying for extra storage) but not on the latter. Since I'm using it for backup, I use full-resolution. I do not keep the photos out there indefinitely and I have never reached the limit.

When I get home I upload to Shutterfly and use it to purchase prints (I still believe in prints). Shutterfly has a sharing facility but I don't really use it. I keep the photos on Shutterfly forever.

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32406 posts

One note about uploading photos when on holiday. If you have a lot of photos, it can take awhile to upload as the Wi-Fi in European hotels is not always "fast". Uploading a few for family or friends to view works, but uploading all your photos is going to take awhile, and perhaps not the best way to spend valuable holiday time.

Posted by
15 posts

I copied the photos to my smartphone and allowed it to sync with Google Photos overnight. That way I didn't care how long it took.

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15799 posts

Do you want to backup as you go or do you want to share photos as you go? If you backups, you want full resolution and that's slow, so you may be better off with a different option. If you want to share, then lower resolution is all you need.

Posted by
1068 posts

One note of caution, most online photo backup sites (not something like Carbonite) only allows you to back up jpegs. Many photographers shoot RAW and the online sites don't allow you to back those up.

Posted by
1825 posts

Without a doubt Google Photos is the easiest way to backup and share photos. There are other features like Google stories which will make you glad you used Google.

Posted by
1825 posts

Without a doubt Google Photos is the easiest way to backup and share photos. There are other features like Google stories which will make you glad you used Google.

Posted by
635 posts

I've used Picasa for years. It may or not be the best, but I'm used to it. It's easy to manage albums, change order of photos in the albums, and to map the photos, even if they're not geotagged in the camera.

When I'm on the trip, every evening I back up the day's shots from the SD card(s) to the iPad, and upload the best ones to a temporary Picasa album.

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13 posts

Since no one's mentioned it yet, I've been using Phanfare for 5 years now and I love it. It's not free, but has a lot of features I need, and I like the clean look. I like the ability to have separate sites on my account to keep my personal travels separate from the photos of the theatre groups I shoot for. It accepts RAW as well as Jpeg files, and has bells ad whistles aplenty. It's not going to be right for everyone, but I really love it. I've been able to upload while in Europe (also while I sleep) with no problems. End of plug!

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1 posts

i'm building a site to do just this, specifically for travel so it's better than just backing them up to shutterfly or google photos. Check out Not only can you add your photos (and videos!) and share them, but you can also jot down your travel itinerary, packing lists, and add travel blogs... and it's all organized by trips you take.


Posted by
635 posts

Just tried Kevin's site. It looks very nice. I didn't see any ads; how is it supported?