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Technology Tips

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European tourism now comes with a digital divide: those with high tech gadgets and those without. Discuss gadgets, mobile devices, apps, cameras, rotary phones, and more. Which tools are worth the trouble and actually enhance your travels?

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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
American Chip and Pin card
Bill 12
Offline Barcelona METRO app for iPhone (english)
Jim 0
Data in Italy
33chanteuse 6
Technology Problem.
TC 5
Beware Verizon Euro Plan
Charles 17
No Phone…am I the only one?
Wray 27
Best Notebook to travel in France/ Spain with... Necessary or Not?
hollih 17
Any Good Pre-Paid Phone options for Use In ITALY?
booknine 9
Anyone try Cellomobile? Advice needed for renting a mobile wifi device to bring to Europe
linleystorm 3
Can I use International Phone Card purchased in London in other countries?
acady 11
Back up photos with no laptop
epltd 32
To SIM or not to SIM: that is the question
kenj831 7
2 translator apps
phred 2
Itinerary, plug adapter ('s) question
kenj831 4
International Data Plan questions
Lulu 21
How do you switch providers between countries?
Sara 11
Windows 10 on Netbook from 2010
funpig 6
Credit union debit card did not work in some European ATMs
Al 12
Traveling with iPhone 5s on Verizon
Ray 7
Accomodation apps
martin.grant1 5
Long term phone plan.
rapunzel 2
RS digital files on a Mac
Jim 4
Hold the phone: Verizon
Denny 3
Replacing iphone 5 SIM Card Question
smijan4 9
Best picture upload site that can be shared
advocatecare 18
Plug Adapters and Power Converters
ashleydoesyoga 8
Can I ensure "zero" data usage on my trip?
keri 30
Using a smartphone in museums
Dianne 6
Replacing the SIM Card
mrparboy 9
IPhone 5s for photos or dig camera?
hnole 10
Theft-proof way to carry an iPhone 6?
Roy 12
Another question about i.d.
Nance 7
In case of lost camera card
Nicole P 12
Airport ATMs
phred 18
Off line map?
Todd 11
lack of storage in exit row seats
KC 7
Anyone familiar with Verizon's travel plan?
mgriffen 7
How many international phone plans do you get?
Lulu 13
Rick's Audio Tours App for Windows Phone?
sue_jordan 1
YouTube question for the techies
advocatecare 5
Switzerland adapter question
advocatecare 21
My Chip & Pin/Signature Experience
Boltface 6
MiFi devices
whereisseth 3
Adapter for computer and cell phone charger
waynewilson054 4
SIM Card Question
bherrington47 2
Can I use a Samsung phone bought in Rome in 2013?
Peg 5
Basic Dialing Questions
bherrington47 2
NYT weighs in on best cellphone plans
phred 9
Offline GPS Apps for iOS (for Driving)
Roberto da... 4
International Texting
Ron 8