Cost of taxi from Termini to Campo de Fiori?
John |
15 |
Rome Location Help
Teresa |
11 |
Question about using/validating Roma pass
Julia |
5 |
ATM Ques - fees by Italian bank?
Neil |
4 |
rome to civita
jim |
3 |
Driving to the Hill Towns of Umbria and Tuscany
Ray |
7 |
Italy in January
Jennie |
3 |
Basilica of San Marco, Venice
Sherry |
4 |
Where to visit in April in Italy?
Erin |
11 |
taxi fare
jim |
2 |
the Cinque Terre in December
Gayle |
5 |
Has Anyone Dropped Off a Rental Car in Tuscany?
Ray |
2 |
staying in Venice Italy
Connie |
5 |
train travel from Florence to Lake Como, Venice, Cinque Terre
Kathleen |
8 |
Critiques wanted for 7 day intinerary in January.
Damien |
4 |
Opinion Question
Ron |
2 |
Cooking class
Stacie |
1 |
Gordon |
3 |
email address for Istituto Giuliana Falconieri Casa Ferie
marge |
4 |
Lake Maggiore or Lake Garda?
Sheron |
9 |
How do I avoid high cellphone bill in Italy???
Shannon |
9 |
Campanile in Florence, Italy
Marilyn |
10 |
Need to reserve on a train from Rome to Florence?
mary |
12 |
Towns with good beaches
Gary |
0 |
apartment in Rome near Piazza Venezia
Dorothy |
0 |
Amalfi/Unico Travel Pass
Susan |
4 |
Happy Holidays B&B
Maryam |
0 |
Roma Pass, purchasing it at the airport
Clint |
4 |
Picnic Lunch in the Roman Forum
Clint |
7 |
Travel from Venice to Palermo
Nate |
2 |
Hotels in Venice
Nate |
14 |
Backpack with rollers or use one without???
Shannon |
4 |
Where to stay in Amalfi-tomorrow
mandy |
1 |
Venice, Cinque terre
Kathleen |
8 |
eating in italy
ronnie |
14 |
Buying a cell phone in Rome: TIM, Vodaphone, or Wind?
Sandy |
10 |
Halloween in Rome
Jon |
9 |
Quiet get a way near Rome
Wayne |
1 |
cheap hidden favorite resturants venice rome florence
ronnie |
7 |
Florence Museum, Monument & Church Hours & Prices
Anthony |
0 |
Dining recommendations for Assisi area
Sherry |
3 |
Rome was so crowed. Is it always like that?
Natasha |
25 |
Dennis |
1 |
Termini Station to Airport in Rome
Susan |
15 |
Venice, Florence, Italy tour
Eugenia |
7 |
La girandola in Rome
PB |
0 |
italy in early December
William |
2 |
Train Travel in March: Reserve Ahead?
Ray |
4 |
Assisi Convent Accommodations
Ray |
2 |
Where is the PIT (Tourist Information) at Termini?
Julia |
3 |