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Technology Tips

Talk up technology used for travel here

European tourism now comes with a digital divide: those with high tech gadgets and those without. Discuss gadgets, mobile devices, apps, cameras, rotary phones, and more. Which tools are worth the trouble and actually enhance your travels?

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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
Email Blocking by Provider
Warren 21
Blogging App
Andrea 7
Cell for teen
Pepita 9
Verizon TravelPass - good news for us when going to Canada
Bruce 9
Simple questions about getting a local SIM for data
Nso 9
Good Site for Booking Budget Lodging
humb4375 6
Search Active Topics by Date?
Pilgrim 4
phone in Turkey/Italy
Barb 4
voltage converter
rookfamily33 14
Photo backup
Mira 7
Back up your photos!
phred 10
texting in Italy with smartphones from US
pjenning 7
European sim cards
mjmaloney 0
App to track travel expenses?
Terri 10
RFID sleeves
flsanford 27
Leave passport at the hotel, or take it with you in Spain?
set123 2
kindle fire
Gail 13
What's your apps and tech gadget?
smarcbie 11
Best Mobile Wifi For Use in Multiple Countries?
James 10
Reloading French Orange sim chip before leaving US
Anne-Frances 6
Time zones in IPhone 6 Calendar
Bill 2
Electronic personal journal
Pat 6
Need Internet, mapping ability only using cell (not wifi) in Europe. Any help for...
Ell 8
ATM Cards Redundant?
Bruce 18
Transistor radio in London/Paris
I❤️T 11
Factory Unlocked Vs International Unlocked
NiraBlue 7
Eurobuzz update
phred 1
Smartphone app for maps, pre-planning, and real-time routing/guidance
Jim 17
Rent pc/laptop for remote access?
psldda 10
Camera for Europe Trip. Nikon D3300 Vs. Canon Rebel SL1
jenn-_- 46
Dual Jack adapter for flights
melinhead 3
US credit cards are not being read in France.
wfmurray 13
Andrea 24
Check your passport before end of year
phred 5
Prepaid Calling card in central Europe
Atul 7
Calling another US cell phone in Europe
melinhead 10
sim card
rookfamily33 0
Small cheap netbook at Wallymart
phred 3
ok , I'm behind the times , enlighten me
Gail 18
Wifi in the sky
phred 14
Andrea 17
Phones and SIM cards
R and S 9
Google offline maps
phred 5
Podcast App
wrball 4
Tile bluetooth phone finder for children
melinhead 4
Ipad? What kind of computer to take?
k.huddleston 34
How to keep US cell phone while living in Europe: vonage, skype, or others?
Stephen 7
Google Hangouts, Hangouts Dialer, and Google Voice
Scott 8
SIM to use in France, Italy, Slovakia, and Austria
Bryan 6
Do you take paper maps on your tours?
Nance 31