I am not happy with Apple's switch from iPhoto to Photo. Do others feel the same? My husband and I travel a lot and take lots of photos on four separate devices (2 iPhones + 2 cameras) and want to merge our photos together (as we did with iPhoto before) by both time and date. Photo will not do this nor does it have a batch edit feature that I found very helpful. I have spoken with the "senior" photo guy at Apple online and he confirms my finding. Thus, I am ready to change aps. I feel my needs are pretty basic regarding editing, organizing, and storing of photos....but amazingly enough Photo can't meet them. Do others have suggestions for photo aps that, in particular, will merge photos by time and date from multiple devices and allow batch editing? If so, I would appreciate your suggestions.
Do others have suggestions for photo aps that, in particular, will merge photos by time and date from multiple devices and allow batch editing?
The new Google Photos has its share of problems, but one thing it does do fairly well is merge photos chronologically from multiple devices. Can't comment on whether it supports batch editing; editing travel photos one at a time in Photoshop and Aurora is too much fun for me.
Here's a sample album in Google photos. The images are from three different cameras, and the images have all been edited and re-edited at various times since the trip a year ago. In only a couple of instances did I have to manually move images around in the album to preserve correct chronological order.
Thank you for your insight, Jeff. What wonderful photos you have of your holiday in Europe! I particularly enjoyed seeing photos of Ostia Antica and Nuremberg as these are places we have not been and would particularly enjoy seeing. While I've read various reviews of photo aps online, it is most helpful to hear firsthand from someone who uses, and finds helpful, a particular one. So, now I will look into Google. Thank you.
I am still looking too.
Most photo editing software you can still get for Mac out there is either extremely expensive or excessively complicated (or both).
Photoshop Elements seems to be the closest to what I need (my needs are similar to yours). At around $100, it isn't cheep. But as you learn its basic functions, more and more of the program opens itself up to you allowing you to really dig into making your pictures look fantastic.
If you can find it, Apple's own Aperture is another great photo product. Being Apple, it works more closely to how you expect an Apple program to work. Unfortunately it is no longer supported by Apple. There are several places that still have it for sale in original unopened packaging and it does work well on the latest OS X versions. But if it doesn't work after the next OS upgrade, you would be out of luck if you purchase it now.
Good luck.
You're probably looking for Adobe Lightroom.
Also check out some of the new stuff coming to Apple Photos in the fall: http://www.macrumors.com/roundup/macos-sierra/ (there's a shortcut to "Photos" on the right side of the page)