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Those of you who "photobook" - how do you end your books? Design ideas wanted.

Regardless of program used (I use photobook Canada), I am wondering how those of you who do similar books end your project? I am currently working on one for my spring trip (Transatlantic cruise followed by time in Spain). I am quite proud of my past books and designs, but the first and last pages flummox me. This time my first page was easy, but I am stuck on the end page and wonder what others do. In the past, I've gone with various endings:

  • scenery, either with a special quote or the detailed itinerary.
  • people photo; only if we are travelling in a group, never when its been just us. Sometimes I label the people figuring when I'm ninety I might not remember their names! -humourous - I ended a Scotland book with a photo of a lamb and a bubble saying "come baaaack soon!". Also managed to find a humourous ending for our China tour book.

But this time I am truly stuck. Any ideas to share? I can't think of one photo that epitomizes the entire trip and I prefer one photo on the last page rather than a multi-photo design.

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2577 posts

Hi Andrea,

If you have a good sunset photo, that would work.


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112 posts

I like to end with text - either a paragraph summing up my thoughts about the trip or quotes from those who travelled with me. This time my family and I made a "best of" list that was at the end. Best shower, best castle, best beer, etc.

Good luck!

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2252 posts

I have used both of the above ideas for the finales of my travel books and often I'll use a travel related quote along with what I think is a photo relative to that quote. Mark Twain is a great source for that! And I've found other really good ones, too. Do a google search. Love your lamb idea-cute and appropriate for Scotland, I think! Maybe leave your project alone for a bit and then come back to it with "new eyes"?

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1688 posts

Thanks for the ideas.

Mary, I have used a sunset before, and more than once. They really do "end" the narrative nicely.

Amosk, I love the idea of a "best of" list. I think that will work great for my next project which is a small 8x8 book for a flying three night roadtrip to St Louis in a few weeks. Since this trip is all about the party, there should be lots of humourous "best of" things to chronicle.

Andi, right now I have a lovely photo of a road (path, really), and have the Tolkien quote with it ("not all who wander are lost"). I believe you're right; I should take a break for awhile. I feel a bit pressured since we pre-purchased vouchers that are coming due soon. I wish it would rain so I didn't feel so bad about staying inside on the computer.

I'm doing three books - one for each couple.

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1068 posts

I am not much of a "people" photographer and have very few pics of myself and none in the book proper. So I end each book the same. There will be a pic or two of me and likely the group/people I traveled with. I say a bit about the overall trip experience.

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4414 posts

I end my books two different ways: a picture of my husband and me in the airport awaiting our flight with the text " till our next trip" or with the heading "travel notes" and I write a short paragraph about our thoughts about the trip, observations, things we liked,etc. I like the best of list, might use that with my next book of Rome.

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682 posts

I make my books in chronological order, so I pretty much end with the last photos of the trip. Sometimes a photo really stands out as a final one and I use that. I like the idea of a "best of" list. May use that on my current book.