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Technology Tips

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European tourism now comes with a digital divide: those with high tech gadgets and those without. Discuss gadgets, mobile devices, apps, cameras, rotary phones, and more. Which tools are worth the trouble and actually enhance your travels?

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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
Google translate - photo 'magic'
keri 14
what data size sim card will I need
dkruz1 4
Delta offering free texting
celeste 19
Rome Airport-Purchase a phone?
Vick Vega 11
Global Entry addendum: new Trusted Traveler technical hoops to jump through
avirosemail 17
Power strip and Wifi phone question
lisaew 13
Cell Phone Service through Sprint
Tom from... 6
Chip and Pin Frustration
Jon 30
Pocket WiFi Hotspot
Marcus 4
Does anybody know how to change the resolution of a jpeg?
Judy 35
Tracking family while in Europe. Is there an app?
rivertime49 8
Google Earth Virtual Travel - Know Before You Go
Bill 1
Do you have the city maps 2 go app? Upgrade...
Nicole P 4
New GPS versus Samsung S7 Edge for driving in Europe
rjrietkerk 2
Noise cancelling headphones?
jvobox 24
Weird result on Google Street View on my iPad.
Lola 8
When Travel Geeks Get Bored -OR- Fun With Google Sheets!
Mike Beebe 10
mobile passport app - wifi only device
Wray 6
adapter with multiple usb ports
Ruth 14
RS universal European adapter
Jill 5
Pixel 2 phones with eSIM and nanoSIM slots
Bruce 2
Plug adaptor with USB port for charging - can I trust it?
Lola 20
SIM cards reasonably priced at CDG?
Packy 3
Earphones part 2
Philip 2
Dutch Vodafone SIM card for use in Europe
Andrew H. 8
Need advice on how to communicate with another car while traveling in UK
tgreen 9
Holiday Photography Conundrum
steves_8 24
A tip on taking photos on a group tour without interfering with the group's dynamics
Grace 11
Camera vs. iPhone
natalierensink 22
Unable to get cell carrier to unlock phone for travel in France and Spain, what are my...
theresabrinkh... 9
SIM advice required for a novice mobile phone user
cgichard 8
mobile passport control app
tabletop4 9
New Phone suggestions
Frank II 19
Newbie tech questions
erectoch3 9
Plug adaptors and Extension Cords
John 13
smartphone rental for European trip? Want to have it set up & ready to go before the...
mblant01 8
Best Cell Phone Carrier - Traveling in Spain, Malta, Sicily, Italy and France
DavidC 4
Sim card for Amsterdam
jas_golf 3
Sim Card for Scandinavia Trip
hlindsey6 1
swetrich 12
Roaming in the EU--any extra charges for non-EU citizens?
T. 5
Will I need a converter for this?
colmcb 11
Basic questions about SIMs
Eric 19
Another question about phones and SIM cards
SandraL 17
Voltage converter vs. adapter
perdydawg 6
Map App for Walking while Off line
Bob 11
Iphone for camera/clock
swetrich 23
Traveling w/ 2 I-phones: any extra charges?
meemskirk 14
Taking an IPad and or Smart Phone for extended trip to Europe
aarthurperry 24
storing spreadsheet (Excel) and Word (text) files on an iPhone
Packy 23