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Pixel 2 phones with eSIM and nanoSIM slots

Do I understand that a Google Pixel 2 smartphone has both an embedded eSIM to connect to the Project Fi system and a vacant nanoSIM slot if you wish to purchase a nanoSIM and connect via a different network. The appeal...use the phone via a regular carrier, but when traveling internationally, switch to project Fi (unlimited SMS, $10/G data and $.20/minute phone calls). Correct? Good data speeds internationally while connected via project Fi?

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5687 posts

You may be correct about the use of the SIM slots - but I guess I don't understand the appeal of switching to Project FI just for international travel. I would think it would be the opposite: buy a SIM when traveling internationally - or just stay on Project FI the whole time. Buying a SIM for international travel is super easy with an unlocked phone these days, anyway. 20 cents/minute is too expensive for me personally for phone calls; Google Hangouts is cheaper for international calls and free for calls to the US.

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2551 posts

The networks used by Project Fi in my region are not nearly as extensive as the carrier I use. As for cheap phone calls while traveling internationally, I’d use Skype.