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General Europe

Questions and answers regarding travel across multiple countries

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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
Unsure if I should cancel/change my trip
Polishnotatio... 21
Lufthansa Pilots May Strike in August
Kenko 1
What Changed with DB Train Schedules?
keith 3
Pacing and days off
Lane 9
Mask requirements
Lorrie 10
Choosing a local tour provider
Lane 6
Summer Heat in Europe - The New Normal?
Allison 25
trip medical insurance and Medicare
Anita 13
Spain and Portugal buy ahead tickets
Nestor 6
Supplements and prescriptions
Deb 8
How early to book flights?
Zach 15
Lufthansa strike Wednesday July 27, most flights canceled
David from... 6
Global Entry renewal grace period extended
Laura 5
Holidays in Europe - where to go?
schaeferj3 8
Re-charging Orange (France) SIM card from North America
Westnova 6
Pros and cons of trekking poles
moxie 16
Travelling this summer? These are the airports to avoid if you possibly can
BigMikeWestBy... 5
Researching in Germany
ahlers.chris.a 13
France and shoes
jsmokebreak 12
Lyon Annecy Chamonix and possibly Geneva
oregonbridges 3
Flight cancelled ideas on new destination
wendy 7
London or Paris with Teens
ghackb 22
klm voucher compensation maze
alomaker 0
A Game called Worldle
Bob 36
Frequent flyer award ticket *but* London Heathrow connection of 2 hours
LynnElizabeth 10
Carryon policy for Lufthansa Cityline and Austrian Airlines
Elaine C 2
What is a better airport to fly thru from Seattle to Rome?
Beckie 16
Thank you for the tips.
VulcanPrawn 0
Received new passports, waiting for return of old ones (Update: got old ones back - 2...
samatudd 14
The head of KLM is awfully sorry
phred 10
3 Months in Schengen Zone - Strategy/Approach Help
Mr. Man 30
Just for fun: Washington Post "The people you meet at the airport."
cslh324 5
Dear Webmaster, here is my wish list...
Mardee 30
high season Austria this year?
RailRider 15
NY Times article about passport renewal I am gifting to one and all.
Sam 10
Travel insurance… any favorites?!
disneygal48 13
21 night Eastern European holiday - June 2023
DeLorean85 0
The Grand Tour 2023 suggestions for cities?
tborr123 4 for building an itinerary
jules m 12
European flight cancellations report
JoLui 5
CPAP Machine
vikki.gomez99 6
electronic luggage tags
credifer08 14
CDG Airport and connection flight
mactj2 14
Which one of you is the star struck woman in the yellow jacket?
Mary 11
Apps To Share Trip Updates and Photos
William 4
Weighing Carry-On Baggage and Bringing Medical Supplies
naalehuretiree 11
Euro and dollar--first time in 20 years at Parity.
jules m 12
Heat Wave
BigMikeWestBy... 11
Does This Itinerary Make More Sense?
lisa 15
Safety for cashless payment in Europe
Leyden 10