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Layover at Amsterdam airport

Assuming normal times (and yes that might be a big assumption), I'm wondering about layover times. We will be flying KLM in June from Dar es Salaam to Lisbon Portugal with a two-hour layover in Amsterdam. Is this normally a reasonable amount of time? I assume that our bags will be checked straight through. TIA!

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770 posts

I've seen many cases where the airline's computer system creates unreasonable layover times, so that's why I double-check. Here's hoping that next summer's airport fiascos aren't repeated this coming summer.

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3659 posts

When you get off the first plane, go directly to the area of your next gate.
As you go, keep checking the electronic boards to make sure your gate is still the one you first understood it to be, as things could change!
When you get there, then use the bathroom, get a snack etc.
Amsterdam is a huge airport and it could take a while to traverse it.
I was there in September, and had to ask the way a couple of times.
Both staff I asked said they were new and didn’t know!

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4098 posts

As back-up, print or record KLM's schedule for Amsterdam-Lisbon flights. Then, if for some sad reason you miss the connecting flight, you can quickly see what subsequent flights the airline can provide. That information might help when negotiating a replacement.