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Minority Travelers’ Forum

For the needs of diverse travelers

Have any guidebooks been particularly helpful? Are there any places in Europe you'd discourage other minorities from visiting? How do you deal with stares or "special" treatment in areas that rarely see a minority or mixed-race couple? Please share your minority-related European travel tips and anecdotes here.

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Title   Author Replies Last Post 
Link to old posts in Minority Travelers Forum
T. 0
Latin@s in Sicily/Italy
elisabobisa917 1
Hispanic travel in Norway
ssorseth 6
why do you travel
xiaoxuan1217 0
My experience - so far
gone 4
Mixed Race in Europe
alli.tales 6
LGBT travel
Fixittech 8
African American Traveling to Italy next month
jeff132 9
Single African American Female Traveling to Europe/South America
Kat 7
Jamaican American (black) travelling to Southeast Asia
catalanfoxx 7
Muslim traveler
maryam 8
An (African) American in Paris :-)
amerilis 13
Black Traveller Going to Eastern Europe
blaze2099 12
Traveling advice
funtraveller 3
Europe with Children
danitamagsam 8
How’s Europe Lately for Black Travelers?
Webmaster 6
Handicaped / mobility Challenged traveler
jazzbonz 9
Any experiences? (Solo Parent travelling with Minor Child)
campgirlboo 11
Advice/Anecdotes for dealing with racism/sexism/etc while abroad
naraekim7 35
African American female traveling to Germany
ss87 8
Dark skin purtoricans couple travleing to Georgia (country)
khristiendiaz 3
Senior with mobility issues
johannaj 4
African Americans traveling to Italy
sera.kendal 14
American citizen of Indian origin traveling in Europe.
Vam 13
South Africa with Af-Am teen girl & her white parents
darlenedrushing 2
LGBT friendly hangs in Rome
me 1
Black husband an wife trying to decide next trip
travhawkinss 9
Comparing LGBTQ+ culture in different German cities
Lisa & Natalie 2
Indian family driving through Eastern Europe
nirali 21
General request or thoughts; African American Male traveler?
eric4dayz 4
Asian discrimination?
bkkroman 16
London Pride 2023?
Wes Quesenberry 1
Mexican-American's experience spending 1 month in France and Italy
RafaFan 16
Disabled traveler
nh2n 2
looking for travel advice.
locok15818 10
Adults traveling on the autism spectrum?
pleiades3 13
Mexican-American in Amsterdam & Paris
cruzcontroll 2
Gifts for a wheelchair user?
PerilsofP 7