Traveling to Germany for the first time. And alone. Cologne specifically. Landing in Frankfurt and then taking train. Any advice or precautions for traveling in these areas?
Both Frankfurt and Cologne (Köln in German) are international cities, where you can see people from all around the world. Every German big city is safer than any big city in the US. Take the usual precautions you ought to take as a single traveling woman and you will be okay.
As the previous poster said, no more than the usual precautions. Not sure if you had other concerns regarding race, and while I cannot speak from personal experience, based on what friends have related to me, they were recognized as Americans right off, not mistaken for migrants or refugees as they thought they might be. Also the general area (more so closer to Frankfurt) has a high number of US Military, so lots of younger Americans, a pretty diverse mix, so you will not be seen as something out of the ordinary.
Thanks for your reply Paul!
Thanks for your response demag!
Not sure which of those 3 categories you think might be a problem ("African", "American" or "female") ☺
Africans and females are both common in Germany. Both Germans and visitors from other European countries. You will be recognised as a US-American as soon as you open your mouth, possible earlier because of your clothes or general "lost" behaviour, and be treated as just another tourist.
Cologne, Frankfurt or any other town or city is not a place to be worried about being out on your own.
Done that exact route solo brother from Chicago; nothing to worry about;
No problems should arise but keep your wits about you as you would anywhere.
It is difficult to overstate how contemporary and sophisticated are Frankfurt and Cologne. I would point out that during the Cold War period (now long ago), American G.I.s made American physical stature and ethnic diversity well-known to any Germans who might have somehow overlooked it during the war.
ss87, I want to suggest that you put a few details in your profile so that we can get a vague idea of who you are. Click on someone else's posting name and you will see what I mean. There have been a rash of "provocative" posts by first-time posters here lately, and it's important to show that you are a real person asking real questions. No one can hack you just because you disclosed where you live.