Then again, assuming it’s a true generalization, it could give rise to the opportunity to recognize a cultural difference that that might otherwise be seen as rude. I guess the only notice I would place on the statement about Eastern Europeans is that it’s a big region and such statements become difficult when you lump Albanians with Czechs. I will have to say I haven’t noticed the generalization to be true, but I am sort of blunt myself so maybe I’m not a good judge. I did note, 15 years ago, that the older people I met in Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, etc, tended to be a bit reserved by the standards of my home community; but every bit, if not more, kind and welcoming once you broke through the ice.
As for your comparison with generalities concerning women, the first couple of words I think have some accurate basis in terms of a generality; then you throw out a lot of irrelevant nonsense to create straw men to discredit the entire statement. Generalities are just that, ultimately you judge on the character of the individual. Among fair people the two concepts, generalities and individualism, can coexist and complement each other and increase understanding. Granted, the evil use the generalities to gin up bigotry and division, but I dont throw out the baby with the bath water. And yes, Indians do rush through Europe too fast for my taste. All, except for those that don’t.