My husband is staying home while our 6 year old son and I galavant around Europe for just shy of a month. I was reading about people being questioned about custody when travelling with just one parent, what are your experiences? I had read about getting a notarized letter authorizing me to take our son out of the country, but is that really necessary?
Additionally, I thought about adding my brother (who lives in Luxembourg and we will be spending 90% of our time with) and my friend in Athens (the other 10% of the time) as authorized guardians as well, including authorizing them to provide medical care and/or transport him back to the states in my absence. I always tend to think worse case scenarios and in this case, I was thinking if something should happen to me that they would have less issues getting my son back home.
Has anyone experienced being questioned? Is this something stupid I'm worrying about unnecessarily? It's ok, be honest, I know I have a tendency to over-worry about stuff sometimes.