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SF East Bay Hosts Travel Talk: Let's talk about Turkey - September 14 (online, everyone welcome)

Please join our online Travel Group meetings!

We started when the San Francisco (East Bay) travel meetup group went online in 2020. Now we're a widespread group of travelers from around the US and in Europe. We love to talk about the trips we've taken and the trips we're planning.

WHERE: online
WHEN: September 14, 2024 @ 11am PT - 1pm PT

Please RSVP on this thread if you'd like to join us. I will send the meeting link via private forum message a few days prior to the meeting. I am posting this very early due to my own travels.

Disclaimer: travel talk can be contagious. The group cannot be responsible for an ever-lengthening travel wish list. Listen to the travel stories at your own risk!

Posted by
5158 posts

TOPICS for September 14

Barbara N: Dordogne and Toulouse

Share stories from Istanbul and Turkey
If you've been to Turkey or would like to go, please join us for an open discussion. If you're going on one of the Rick Steves tours, Best of Turkey or Best of Istanbul, we'll have several people joining who have been on the tours. If you're planning independent time in Turkey or have traveled independently in Turkey, please join us to swap stories!

CWsocial - I'll share stories of my recent 8 nights in Istanbul, as well as a few photos; including a few interesting things from a culturally Sicilian and Turkish wedding at an 18th century Ottoman Palace on the Bosphorus.

Chani - 3 minute video of an encounter at a Turkish barber

Mardee - will share highlights and her blog of her independent trip through Turkey.

I'll also give a general update on Istanbul. Things have changed, even since my last visit 2 years ago.

Increasing simplicity of public transit in Istanbul
Cash vs card
No Visa, but plenty of other costs (still cheap though)
Istanbul sightseeing ideas for return visitors or longer stays

Posted by
5158 posts

FUTURE ONLINE MEETINGS: 2nd Saturdays, except as noted

(August - no online meeting)

Oct 12, 2024, 11am PT - 1pm PT
Topic: use of AI as a tool for itinerary planning and development, including demo from forum users and interactive sessions

(November - no online meeting)

Dec 14, 2024, 11am PT - 1pm PT
Topic: bring a souvenir, tell its travel story!

IN-PERSON MEETINGS: San Francisco, East Bay area
Please watch for separate announcements for our in-person meetings.
Click HERE for the most recent announcement with the dates of upcoming in-person meetings.

Posted by
4656 posts

May I sign up for October? I'll just be back from Oslo and a Havilla Voyages 'cruise' that follows the Norwegian Coast. Not sure I can get over the jet lag enough to arrange photos...but may have some AI input.

Posted by
5158 posts

MariaF, around late September / early October, I'll post a separate announcement for the October meeting and we'd love to hear about your trip.

Posted by
3468 posts

I will like to join the September online meeting, please. I've already shared my most recent trip, but will happily listen to others talk about theirs.

Posted by
2699 posts

I'm posting here now so that we can keep the gold star streak going on the thread.

Posted by
831 posts

I’d like to attend. I can do a few slides on the Dordogne and Toulouse.

Posted by
2670 posts

I’d like to attend. And with the above poster, we’ve created a “Valerie” streak - much rarer than a gold streak:)

Posted by
2125 posts

Oh, I can’t make it! My flight out of LAX leaves that day at 5:30PM so I need to leave Santa Barbara before noon. Hubby is driving me there, and we want to have lunch before I head into the airport around 3PM. I’m meeting a friend from high school for the RS Poland tour, arriving two days prior to the tour. Jet lag and I don’t jive!

Posted by
2699 posts

Between August 4th and now CWsocial has risen to heights of the dark blue badge -- breaking up our gold star commenting streak, but allowing her accomplishment to stand out that much more distinctly. Huzzah!

Posted by
2591 posts

Though I am only a lowly orange star, I'd like to join to see the Istanbul wedding photos. Please & thank you!

Posted by
5158 posts

The wedding in Istanbul was last night! Well, technically it was also this morning. WOW!

Bosphorus cruise to the Palace. A very short ceremony in Turkish, the groom translating for the bride. Tons of food, and I've never seen such an enormous cake.

Turkish people, who outnumbered Italians and Germans about 115 to 35, know how to dance the night away, with the band and DJ tasked with multicultural music for multiple generations.

And then I survived a high speed Uber through Istanbul at 2am! All I remember is passing a lot of police cars with their lights flashing....

One last point, I do not recommend Istanbul in August.... unless you're attending a 7pm wedding on the Bosphorus, by which time there will be lovely breezes. Getting there in 90 degree weather and 80% humidity on a crowded bus, well let's just say that I carried my dress in a backpack.

I'll try not to bore you with family stuff, but I'll share a few photos of the palace and the cultural aspects.

Sorry about the star thing, avirosemail ;-)

Posted by
5158 posts

And we look forward to hearing about yours, Barbara N!!

Posted by
8777 posts

I'm headed to Turkey on Sept 29, so I would love to hear your report on the 14th. Consider this my RSVP.
I'm starting with a few independent days in Istanbul, then a two week Gate 1 tour of Turkey and finishing with a 7 day Turkey/Greece cruise with Azamara.

Posted by
5158 posts

Great, "Carol now retired", I'm glad you'll be joining us!

I'll send some preliminary meeting instructions once I'm back from Istanbul. I'll send the meeting link in the week before the meeting.

Posted by
7517 posts

I would love to come! I can't wait to hear about Istanbul from you! I'm sure it's changed a lot in 17 years.

Posted by
5158 posts

Malette and Carol now Retired, I have sent a forum message to you with preliminary setup instructions for the meeting. Please be sure to follow those in advance of the meeting date so that you'll be able to join.

Everyone, I will send the meeting link as we get closer to the date.

Posted by
1618 posts

Darn, its my Saturday to work. Maybe October then.

Posted by
5158 posts

Oh drat, Andrea, we'll miss you for September, but glad you can join us for the AI travel discussion in October!

Posted by
5158 posts

For those who are joining to talk about Istanbul, I can give updates on a few things that have changed, even since my 2022 visit with the Rick Steves tours.

Increasing simplicity of public transit in Istanbul
Cash vs card
Visa no longer required, but plenty of other costs (Mosques still free, Hagia Sophia not free)
Istanbul sightseeing ideas for return visitors or longer stays

Posted by
25 posts

Darn, we are leaving for Istanbul on September 4th. I would've loved to attend and get the inside scoop! I have read about your trip from 2022. Is there any way you can DM me with some quick updates?
Thank you!

Posted by
2 posts

I am considering joining the Best of Turkey tour and would love to RSVP for this please. Thank you!

Posted by
5158 posts

tnhlind, drat about the timing!

Here is an updated thread on transit with and without the IstanbulKart.

Summary: I used Google Pay for most of my transit. It worked perfectly at the gates for ferries and trams. I couldn't get it to work on buses, but my tap to pay credit card worked 100% of the time. I could have used my credit card on all forms of transit, but it was easier to pull out my phone than my credit card.

Posted by
5158 posts

Amy, welcome!

I've just sent you a forum message with the preliminary setup instructions. I'll send the meeting link nearer the date.

Posted by
4134 posts

Drat, I won’t be able to attend cause we will be on a plane to Madrid. Will be around for the October meeting though.

Posted by
20 posts

RSVP from Linda and Fred, visiting Turkey October 11th. Very excited to hear tips and anyone who visited Chora Church/Mosque since it’s reopening in May.

Posted by
5158 posts

Linda, I've just sent you the forum message with preliminary setup instructions so that you and Fred can join the meeting. I'll send the meeting link nearer the date. I'm afraid I did not make it to the Chora Church/Mosque, as I had hoped. Perhaps someone else can offer guidance.

Posted by
5158 posts

I love that we'll have new travelers, heading to Turkey, attending the September call! Some of you have said you'll already be traveling, and some people headed on Best of Turkey tours have emailed me with questions. So I decided to write up some of my key learnings based on my recent Istanbul visit:

For those who may be planning independent travel to Turkey, I've also included a few ideas for "days out" in a couple of Istanbul neighborhoods.

For those who can join us on September 14th, I'll be happy to answer Istanbul questions, and several of our travelers can answer questions about Turkey and the Best of Turkey tour.

Posted by
15768 posts

I'd like to join and see everyone again. I've been on the RS Turkey tour - and have a 3 minute video I can share. One of my tour-mates went to a barber during the tour and recounted the harrowing experience the next day.

Posted by
1 posts

Please send the link. I'd like to attend. I'm booked for the Oct 21st best of Turkey... Thanks!

Posted by
5158 posts, that's exciting that you're signed up for the Best of Turkey tour!

To you and dan-betsy, I've sent you a private message on this forum. Please read that to follow the setup instructions and to let me know that you've gotten it. I'll send the meeting link to you and everyone, closer to the meeting date.

Posted by
5158 posts

Chani, we'd love to see the video and hear the barber story!!

Posted by
5158 posts

rstevens3, I missed you in there! I've just sent you the forum message with preliminary setup instructions. After you're "set up" and reply to my message, I will send the meeting link.

Posted by
5158 posts

To those who are joining the online call for the first time, welcome!

You should have received a private forum message with "Preliminary Setup Instructions." Please reply to that message that you are "set up" and I will respond with the meeting link for Sept 14th.

Those who have attended before, just join the way you always join this meeting

Posted by
5158 posts

Also, for those who are going on the Best of Turkey tour this fall, I've written a quasi trip report with answers to questions that I've recently gotten about such things as ATMs, cash, tips, and paying for transit:

There are also ideas for free time, although most of those would be more appropriate for a second visit or for someone with several free days in Istanbul.

Posted by
83 posts

Hi. I’d love to attend the meeting. My husband and I will be spending three nights in Istanbul on our way to Tanzania in early October 2024 and I’m sure we could benefit from your experience. Thanks so much! Very timely!

Posted by
252 posts

I’d love to attend as I will be home (yay) September 14. RS Turkey tour in April.

Posted by
5158 posts

CindyP, burkesport and Patty, I have sent each of you a private message on this forum with preliminary setup instructions. (Patty, you may have already done this for a prior meeting, I wasn't sure.)

Please reply after you've received the message and confirmed your setup. I will send you the meeting link in response, nearer the meeting date.

Posted by
5158 posts

To Everyone Attending This Online Meeting For The First Time

You should each have received a private message from me on this forum. Please follow the Setup Instructions in that message and then reply to me to confirm. You may wish to do this before the meeting date, as it could take a few minutes.

I will send the meeting link as a reponse to your confirmation message, nearer the meeting date.

Posted by
139 posts

If it’s not too late, I would like to attend. (I thought I had a conflict that day, but it turns out I’m free).

Thank you!

Posted by
5158 posts

dougcanning467 and samatudd, not too late at all, welcome!

I've just sent each of you a private message on the forum. Please reply to that message as per the setup instructions and I'll send the meeting link in response, nearer the meeting date.

Posted by
1319 posts

Hi Catherine --
Please save me square!
Thanks! This should be another fun conversation!

Posted by
2 posts

I'm a newbie to the forum. Sorry, nothing to contribute; but I plan to go to Turkey later this month & hoping to get tips from recent travellers. Thanks for adding me to the webinar!

Posted by
5158 posts

I've just sent the meeting Setup Instructions to:


To anyone who will be attending this online meeting for the first time, you each should have received the Setup Instructions from me via private forum message. I've received confirmation from two newcomers; everyone else, please be sure to respond as I will send the meeting link as a reply to your confirmation message.

I'll start sending out the meeting links in a few days.

Posted by
2699 posts

You'd also be well advised to check for updates to your Zoom software -- new features make it more fun than ever. (I do not have any connection to the company. ha)

Posted by
5158 posts

mayoritap, I have sent you a message with the Setup Instructions. Please reply to confirm those instructions and I will send the meeting link in reponse.

Posted by
5158 posts

Links for Saturday, September 14th Travel Talk are being sent.

Previous Attendees: I have sent the meeting link in a private message. If you didn't receive it, I goofed. Please let me know on this thread (or a private message) and I'll get it out to you.

Newcomers: I have sent a forum message to each of you with the Setup Instructions. If you have replied to my message confirming your setup, I have replied to you with the meeting link for Saturday. If you have not replied yet, please do so and then I will send the meeting link.

Posted by
5158 posts

mln, meeting link just sent via forum message, glad to have you join!

Posted by
33433 posts

Previous Attendees: I have sent the meeting link in a private message. If you didn't receive it,

(teardrop emoji) mmmm didn't get it....

Posted by
5158 posts

Oh, Nigel, I had the highest hopes for myself. I remembered, and remembered. And remembered again.

And then I began the process ....

Search for "Posted by"

I had every good intention .... until I had 20 tabs open and hit the repeat cycle!!

Your invitation has been sent! I'm very glad you will be joining us.

ETA: some day perhaps I will switch to Andrea's email method. Perhaps.

Posted by
5158 posts

SunnyBlueFlax, we'll be glad to have you join!
I've just sent you a forum message with the Setup Instructions. When you reply to that message, I will send you the meeting link.

Posted by
5158 posts

marlenean52 and markcw - I've just sent each of you a message with the Setup Instructions for this meeting. Please review and reply to let me know that you are setup. I will send the meeting link as a reply to your message.

Posted by
5158 posts

MEETING NEWCOMERS - if you have not received the meeting link, it is because I have not received from you a reply to my message with the Setup Instructions.

Please check your messages on this forum and confirm your setup by replying back to me, after which I will send you the meeting link.

Posted by
1 posts

I would like to attend the Sept. 14th meeting. I'm headed to Istanbul on Oct. 3, prior to the Oct. 7th Best of Turkey tour.
Thanks, Donna

Posted by
5158 posts

Majoan, thanks for your confirmation email! I have sent you the meeting link for Saturday.

donnampierce - great timing and we're glad to have you join before your tour! I've sent you a forum message with the Setup Instructions and will send the meeting like when you reply with your confirmation.

Posted by
3 posts

Hi, we are going to Türkiye soon. I would like to listen to your talk on Saturday Sept 14.

Thank you, Nancy

Posted by
5158 posts

natkins9, I have sent the setup instructions in a message on this forum. Please confirm your setup and reply to me to receive the meeting link.

Posted by
5158 posts

Last Call for the meeting tomorrow.

If you have not received the meeting link, please check your messages on this forum. It may be that you have not replied to my message with the setup instructions.

Please follow those instructions by tonight and reply back to me to receive the meeting link.

Posted by
5158 posts

annalderman2, I just sent you the setup instructions. Please reply to my message to confirm; then I will send you the link.

Posted by
5158 posts

jagekas, I've sent you a message on this forum. Please follow the Setup Instructions and reply to me (preferably tonight) to receive the meeting link.

Posted by
5158 posts

MEETING NEWCOMERS - if you have not received the meeting link (about 6 of you who expressed interest above) please check your messages on this forum, follow the Setup Instructions and reply back to me. I will send the link in response to your setup confirmation.

Tonight is LAST CALL for anyone attending the meeting for the first time, to allow time for your setup.

Posted by
5158 posts

dougcanning467, you should have a forum message from me dated Sept 5 with a request to reply. Please check for that message and I will send the information to join the meeting.

To find the message, go to My Account (upper right), click on the down arrow at the right, click on Travel Forum and then scroll nearly to the bottom to click on Message Inbox.

Posted by
2 posts

This is the first time my friend, Joanne, and I have joined a Forum. We didn't know we were supposed to continue to read the Forum message board. We assumed we would be sent an email of the link to our emails that we provided. Our apologies! Now we know. The talk's responses will be posted, right? Thanks!

Posted by
5158 posts

over90hills, I've sent another message, you should be set!

Posted by
5158 posts

I will start the meeting session at 10:45am Pacific time. You can log in to check your audio and video and chat with fellow travelers.

The meeting itself will start promptly at 11am Pacific.

Posted by
33433 posts

I can't get in - the zoom is asking for a passcode

Posted by
2699 posts

Hi Nige-- we just replied with the passcode to you; let me know if it still isn't working

Posted by
5158 posts

Lots of details in my trip report, some of which I covered today:

Thank you Barbara N, for taking us to France. Lovely and compelling, as always!

Thank you Mardee for sharing your travels in Turkey! Thank you CL and ponygirl813 and rontayca for sharing your experiences from your tours. And thanks, Chani for the humorous barber video!! (Fire in his ears, yikes!)

Thank you everyone who joined today, and especially to those joining for the first time. Special thanks to avirosemail for hosting our meetings! We couldn't be here without you.

And to all who are going to Turkey soon, have a wonderful time. You are in for such a treat!

Posted by
2699 posts

A special applause for CWsocial's double duty today as host and presenter

And no tip expected! ;-P

Posted by
5158 posts

Thanks, avirosemail :-)

On the subject of tips, I will add a nuance to my earlier comments. If I were in a cafe or small restaurant and the bill was, say, 450 TL, it might be odd to put down 500 TL and wait for my 50 TL change. I think it would be more common, even with locals, to just leave the 500 TL.