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San Francisco East Bay Travel Group Meeting - July 25, 2024 in person

Please join our East Bay (San Francisco area) Travel Group meetings!

We welcome newcomers and visitors who happen to be in the area. Bring your photo books and journals to share the trips you've taken, ask questions about upcoming trips, and swap travel stories with others who enjoy talking about travel!

WHEN: Thursday, July 25th @ 12:30 pm PT
WHERE: in-person, Concord location
Please RSVP on this thread.

Posted by
5122 posts

LOCATION location will either be Concord (for a large group) or Orinda (if we have a smaller group)

LOCATION UPDATE we will be at our Concord location. Please message me or reply on this thread if you need details for that location.

Posted by
5122 posts

PREVIEWS next in-person meetings

(August - no meeting)
Thu, Sept 26, 2024
Thu, Oct 24, 2024
(November - no meeting)

Posted by
42 posts

Yes, I will be there. Thank you for arranging this.

Posted by
1538 posts

We hope to be there. Looking forward to seeing Barbara’s photo book, and any others, if they’re ready.

Posted by
10507 posts

I wish I could, but we will be out of state.

Posted by
869 posts

Hi there, sounds like fun. I hope to make it, thanks as ever for organizing.

Posted by
5122 posts

We will be at our large, outdoor Concord location. If you don't know which location that is, please either reply on this thread or send me a message. I will send a pm with the location.

Posted by
301 posts

Busy week! I'm now RSVPing.

My patio is still available for a pot-luck!

Posted by
118 posts


I will be there on Thursday, when you say the 'large' Concord location I'm assuming it's the one I've been to a few times before?
Looking forward to catching up. I'll be heading to the RS Adriatic tour 8/26 spending some time in Graz, Austria on the way to wear off some jet lag before tour. If anyone has been there would love recommendations? RS Andalusia in October after that and just booked the RS Central Europe for 2025, Prague/Budapest to name 2 of the locations so any tips for that appreciated as well!


Posted by
5122 posts

Gail, we will take you up on your very nice offer. I want to give people a little more notice, so let's pick a time this fall.

Lynn3374, I just sent you a forum message confirming the location.

Posted by
101 posts

I’m in the Bay Area this week and would love to attend.

Posted by
5122 posts

Rontayca, glad you can make it! I've just sent you a forum message with meeting details. See you on Thursday!

Posted by
5122 posts

Everyone, the temperature on Thursday will "only" be 93. I will try to get a table in the shade, or at least with umbrellas. Please bring a hat, sunscreen, water and your best coppertone suntan lotion!

Posted by
301 posts

I do not know the Concord location.

Posted by
5122 posts

We'll miss you, SharYn. Stay cool!

See you all soon. Look for me in some shade!

Posted by
5122 posts

It reminded me of Concord in July. Which is why I'm headed to Gdansk in August!