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SF East Bay Hosts Travel Talk: July 13 (online, everyone welcome)

Please join our online Travel Group meetings! We started when the San Francisco (East Bay) travel meetup group went online in 2020. Now we're a widespread group of travelers from around the US and in Europe. We love to talk about the trips we've taken and the trips we're planning.

We welcome newcomers and travelers to our online and in-person meetings!

WHERE: online
WHEN: July 13, 2024 @ 11am PT - 1pm PT

Please RSVP on this thread if you'd like to join us. I will send the meeting link via private forum message a few days prior to the meeting.

Disclaimer: travel talk can be contagious. The group cannot be responsible for an ever-lengthening travel wish list. Listen to the travel stories at your own risk!

Posted by
5283 posts

TOPICS for July 13
Please let me know if you have a trip you've taken that you'd like to share with the group, with or without photos! We also love to hear about trips that you're planning, to answer questions or just share the anticipation.

Travels Taken (as time permits, and not necessarily in this order)
Sandancisco: Stockholm and Uppsala - if you're able to make the meeting, you're up first, as promised in June!
Nigel: Germany, predominantly Baden-Württemberg and Taunus Mountains near Frankfurt, north central Switzerland
Barbara: recent trip to the Netherlands and cruise up the coast of Norway
Barbara N: (with photos) Dordogne and Toulouse or from our recent Alsace/Switzerland trip
CWsocial: (with photos) Chichester England
Canada Andrea: Liverpool

Travels Planned
Sac Andrea: upcoming trip to Poland and Hungary (Budapest), looking for input!
Diane: also Poland
Tammy: Venice, Verona, Bologna, Florence in the fall
bostonphil7: Barcelona in October to take a Mediterranean cruise
Tammy and CWsocial: Andalucia in November and February

Posted by
5283 posts

FUTURE ONLINE MEETINGS: 2nd Saturdays, except as noted

(August - no online meeting)
Sept 14, 2024, 11am PT - 1pm PT

Oct 12, 2024, 11am PT - 1pm PT
Topic: use of AI as a tool for itinerary planning and development, including demo and interactive sessions

(November - no online meeting)

Please watch for separate announcements for our in-person meetings.
Click HERE for the most recent announcement with the dates of upcoming in-person meetings.

Posted by
33628 posts

I'd love to attend, please, CWsocial, and can give a few minutes to the trip we've just completed by car from England - ferry Dover/Calais - Germany, predominantly Baden-Württemberg and Taunus Mountains near Frankfurt, north central Switzerland and Zug, RAIN, RAIN, RAIN, the French A4 - A26, and home.

Posted by
10571 posts

Hi, if I can I would love to attend. I’m going to have a visitor, but I believe she plans to head to the Bay Area for the weekend.

Edit: I will be going to two countries that are new to me soon, Poland and Hungary (Budapest). If anyone has any advice or suggestions I would love to hear them.

Posted by
4187 posts

I’ll be there. I’ll talk about my recent trip to the Netherlands and cruise up the coast of Norway. It will be very short.

Posted by
2151 posts

Love to attend.

Had to cancel last meeting because of pneumonia but I am fully recovered

I love to see and meet the persons behind the screen names

Going to Barcelona in October to take a Mediterranean cruise.

Last October I was in London before cruising from Southampton to Lisbon

Posted by
861 posts

I'd like to attend. I can show just a few slides from the Dordogne and Toulouse or from our recent Alsace/Switzerland trip. I can be brief.

Posted by
5283 posts

Thanks for all the destinations for trips taken and trips planned! I've got "everywhere" on the list, and recognize that we will not get to all of these this month, giving us lots to talk about in future months!

Sandancisco, if you can make it, you are up first because we missed out on your photos last meeting!

Posted by
5283 posts

I will send out the meeting details in a couple of days. Is anyone else planning to attend?

Posted by
7748 posts

I wish I could, CW, but I'm leaving early Sunday morning for a 2+ week road trip to visit family, and I still have to finish the quilt I started last year for my brother, plus pack! So I'm sure I will be in a frenzied rush on Saturday.

Posted by
5283 posts

We'll miss you Mardee. Real life does come first. Have a great road trip!

Posted by
5283 posts

I will send the meeting invites this evening to everyone who has responded thus far. Please let me know if you'd like to attend so that I can include you in my mass messaging process!

Posted by
5283 posts

I've sent the link to everyone above. See you all online on Saturday.

Posted by
1320 posts

If it’s not too late I’d like to attend as well.

Posted by
1624 posts

I'd love to attend, CW.

I could speak a bit on our recent week in Liverpool, if there's interest.

Posted by
5283 posts

I've sent the link to the 4 ladies above, SharYn, Valerie, Andrea and Diane.

And I'm adding Poland and Liverpool to the list. Of course there's interest!!

Posted by
5283 posts

Chani and Mr É, I've sent each of you the link in a message on this forum.

We still have room for others to join!

Posted by
5283 posts

Everyone, please mark your calendar for our regular October 12th meeting when we will host:

Tech for Travel: using AI tools for travel planning

Mardee and I and others who have used AI tools to assist in creating travel itineraries will talk about how we have used it, techniques we've learned and tips for making the most of AI. This won't be tool specific, though we will mention the tools we've tried and any differences we may have seen.

Posted by
5283 posts

Mr É, sorry you can't make it after all. It would be a late one for you.

Posted by
5283 posts

Last call for tomorrow's meeting! I will check this forum one last time about 2 hours ahead for any first time participants, who have an extra setup step. If you've been to the meeting before, I can still send the link to you up to 1 hour prior to the meeting time.

See you all online tomorrow!

Posted by
1544 posts

I agree Avi! So interesting, so many beautiful pictures and locations! I was taking notes. Switzerland, Germany, England and more. As diveloonie said, who knew there was so much to see in Liverpool? What a meeting!

Posted by
33628 posts

I learned huge amounts about Liverpool.... Thanks Cdn Andrea.

I have my eyes on that Premier Inn - what a location!

Posted by
313 posts

Enjoyed all the trip photos and stories. Particularly enjoyed Canadian Andrea’s Liverpool trip update as it’s fairly rare to hear about Liverpool trips but it’s clearly a worthwhile city to visit.

Posted by
2151 posts

Really enjoyed the meeting.

Now I want to go to Liverpool. Had no idea that it was so pretty and

Posted by
1624 posts

Thanks CW for facilitating.

Glad so many of you liked my Liverpool presentation. There really is a lot to see and do there. And definitely a friendly welcome.

Posted by
10571 posts

Thanks for a great meeting. When I was in Liverpool 2 years ago I sadly only saw what was on the 3 minute walk from the train station to the hotel. Long story, but after seeing Andrea in CA’s presentation I really want to go back and actually see it!

Posted by
5283 posts

Thanks everyone for your enthusiasm for the meeting, sharing your destinations, and the time you took to share your trips in photos.

Andrea in CA, I wish we had stopped off in Liverpool on our way to Blackpool. Or maybe it didn't have all the cool stuff back then. And anyway, there was no internet to find it. Thanks for letting me ride along on your visit!

Barbara, I'm adding Gengenbach to my idea for a loop out of Frankfurt. I got spoiled by the nonstop to London. How nice another trip with just a nonstop flight would be!

A final comment.... you all inspire me with your travels! So many times I think, "I wish I could have ridden along in the back seat" for that person's trip! Thank you all for continuing to open my eyes to new destinations. I'm not too proud to plagiarize your ideas ;-)

I was in a bit of a pre trip doldrom before our meeting yesterday. I'm excited again to be heading out on my own trip. Crazy mix that this one will be, it did give me an excuse to buy a new set of packing cubes!!